Unexpected Changes

Start from the beginning

Oh that explained the machines, and the rails on the bed. I probably would've figured that out, but my mind seemed so... Foggy, it was hard to concentrate.

"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" I asked like a 5 year old.

It didn't make sense that they weren't here.

Kimberly got a pained look on her face, and she bit her lip. Obviously debating whether she should  tell me something.

What was she hiding from me?! Where were they?!


Kimberly muttered, but she was cut off when a young looking woman doctor with red hair rushed in with Reid and Neil on either side of her.

Kimberly breathed a sigh of relief when I was distracted by the exams that the doctor put me through.

It surprised me how it was so hard to move my arms, and I don't know if I was imagining it or not, but it seemed like I couldn't move my legs at all.

I glanced over to the right, where Reid and Neil were standing to distract myself.

They both looked worse for wear as well. They both had bags under their eyes, and their clothes were rumpled.

The most concerning thing was the haunted look in their eyes, and how they had a hard time meeting my eyes.

Neil tried to smile at me reassuringly, but it didn't make me feel any better. Something was very wrong.

I impatiently waited for someone to explain what was going on, but everyone was silent.

Finally I couldn't stand it anymore.

"What's wrong with me?! And where are Mom and Dad?!"

The hysteria that bubbled up in my voice prompted Kimberly to squeeze my hand once again. And this time Reid and Neil both grabbed my other hand, being careful not to jostle the tubes.

The doctor sighed, and bit her lip.

"When you were hit, you slammed your head pretty hard. When you lost consciousness in the ambulance, we weren't sure if you were going to wake up again."

I let out a sharp breath. Now it made sense that Kimberly, Reid and Neil were begging me to wake up.

The doctor pushed a stray lock of her red hair back behind her ear, and took a deep breath as she continued.

"The good news is that it seems like you won't have any permanent brain damage. But you must have been slammed up against something on the impact, because it seemed to nick your spinal cord."

I struggled to make sense of this all, but seriously who did the doctor think I was?! A twelve year old Einstein?! Why can't she just speak English?!

"What does that mean, and why won't anyone tell me where my parents are?!"

The doctor sighed, and said "It means that you may never walk again. You're going to be confined to a wheelchair."

My mind went crazy at that. How could this happen?!

The doctor dropped her gaze as she reluctantly continued,

"And your parents.... They uhh.. They didn't make it. They were killed on impact."

My whole body froze.

They couldn't be gone!!! They just couldn't!

I began sobbing, and screaming.

Kimberly, Reid and Neil just awkwardly held me around the machines.

After a while, I guess I cried myself to sleep, because now I was sitting at the dinner table with Mom and Dad.

They were both laughing at a lame joke my Dad made, and even in this supposedly happy dream world, I couldn't escape the crushing truth. They were gone. I was alone.

A week passed, and I endured many tests, and therapy. The doctors patiently taught me how to use a wheelchair and such.

What was the most surprising thing was that Kimberly, Reid and Neil were there every step of the way. As the number of machines slowly dwindled until there were no more.

I was alone in the drab room right now, with a nice looking social worker lady with long gray hair.

"Now Bella, today you are going to be released, and normally we'd place you with another family member, but since you don't have any other living members, the normal answer would be to place you in an orphanage."

My eyes widened, and I felt my eyes tear up. This can't be happening!

"I can't go there!"

I squeaked, in near hysterics.

The woman patted my shoulder and said "I said that would be the normal route, but you actually already have a family who has requested to adopt you. It's not normally how we would do this, but these are special.circumstances. All you have to do is agree, and sign the papers."

None of this was making any sense! Who would've offered to adopt me so soon?!

"Who?" I asked.

The woman gestured to the door, and suddenly it was pushed open, and my jaw dropped when I saw Kimberly, Reid and Neil standing there.

"Us. We'd like to adopt you." Kimberly said.

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