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*a week later*

" But your honour this accusation is the reason why he did it again" Alex says.
"To an extent... I'll allow it" says the judge.
"Thank you. Your honour" Alex walks back to the desk smug.
" Detective Benson. Do you see the man who attacked you in the court today? " She asks.
"Objection. Ms Benson never saw the person who attacked her!" Buchanan shouts.
"Ok ill re frase. Do you see the man who raped you when you were 20.In this court today? "
Liv looks down at her hands as a tear slips down her face. She looks up. "Yes . He's over there"
"May the record show. The victim identified Mr Andy Barns as her attacker. Nothing further" alex sits down.
"Ms Benson. You are currently in a relationship with your partner is that correct?" Buchanan asks.
"Objection! Irelivent" alex shouts
"This question is very relivent as she and my client us to date, even though she worked with him"
" I'll allow it. To a extent, don't push it Mr Buchanan" the judge rules. "Answer the question"
Liv looks down. "Yes" she replies.
"Ok so you like dating people you work with. I mean you dated my client. You worked with him on a case if I remember right. You were just a rookie back then"
"Yes" she got quite.
"And you had sex with my client"
"No. I'm sure you did"
"Rape isn't sex"
"Ok. What ever you like to call it"
"Objection. Mr Buchanan is using this trial to humiliate Detective Benson!" Alex shouts
"Wrap it up Mr Buchanan" the judge rules.
"Yes your honour. Detective Benson. You are claiming that my client raped you. Twice?"
" Why didn't you report it back then?"
"Because nobody believed my mother. So I thought nobody would believe me"
" Understandable. What exactly happened that night"
She didn't want to re live the memories. " We were eating dinner in my apartment. We had finished I cleared away the dishes. He came behind me and put his hands around my waist" she says as her hand shakes. "The case we had done that day was about a teacher raping a student. He kissed my neck and said "How about I have the teacher and you be the student. We..We could have fun" the tears streaming down her face. "I said no. He picked me up and threw me on the couch. I said no stop. Then.. He forced himself inside me" se wipes her tears.
" You may step down Ms Benson " the judge says.
" Next witness"
Barns took the stand as olivia sat down. She was still shaking.
" Mr Barns when you were with Detective Benson did you take the no that she said as a yes?" Buchanan asks.
"Yes I thought we were doing the teacher student thing. I thought when she said no. She ment yes"
The trial continues like this.

*an hour later*
"Jury's back" alex says.
Elliot holds Olivia in his arms.
"It's ok" he says.
They walk into the galleries and sit down.
" Members of the jury on the first account of rape how do you find the defendant? " asks the judge.
"Not guilty" says the head juror.
Liv was stunned. Frozen. She couldn't move.
"On the second account of rape. How do you find the defendant?"
"Not guilty" the head juror says again.
Liv still frozen still as tears pour down her face.
"On the account of attempted murder. How do you find?"
"Not guilty"
The gavel is banged twice as the judge dismisses everyone "Mr Barns your are free to leave".
Liv stands up not speaking.
"Liv. Liv are you ok?" Asks Finn.
She collapses onto Elliot.

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