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"Who did this to you Liv? Do you know? I know you will get better though. You're a fighter. We'll get through it together" Elliot brushes her face with the back of his hand. "You're still as beautiful as before. Don't let anyone tell you any different"
Liv has a swollen eye, a cut lip, a concussion, some broken ribs, severe vaganal and anal trauma, along with the cuts bruises and burns all over her body. "I knew I shouldn't have left" a tear falls down his face.

*out side in the waiting room*

"Do you think there is something going on between them two?" Finn asks.
"Why do you say that? " replies Cragen.
"Well that mike dude says he almost killed Elliot's girlfriend, and actually killed his baby"
"Did he attack Kathy too?"
"Nah, I don't think he ment her"
Finn gets up to talk to the nurse, Cragen following behind.
"Erm excuse me, I'm her boss. Donald Cragen. Could you tell me what you know please?"
"Well she was only released from the hospital this morning and is back so soon. Must of missed the place" a nurse jokes. Cragen and Finn don't react.
"Well she has 2nd degree burns all over her body, also cuts and bruises. She was hit. Hard. Over the head with a blunt instrument. It didn't knock her out though" she says.
"So she was awake. And could feel everything? " Cragen asks. The nurse nods as she lowers her head. "Son of a bitch" he wispers to himself.
"When she was here before, what was her report" Finn asks.
"Well she was fine but I'm sorry. She had a miscarriage"
Finn and Cragen look at each other confused.
"So she lost the baby. How many weeks was she? " He asks.
"Well we didn't do a full report because she was only a few weeks along. I'd say 2?. Possibly less"
Finn looks over to Cragen and raises an eyebrow as if he had just figured something out.
"Did you know who the father was?"
"No it has already passed before we could do anything. I just presumed it was that guy" she gestures to Elliot, crying over Liv. "Ok thank you" Cragen and Finn sit down.
"It couldn't of been Elliot's. Could it?" Cragen asks.
"Well that night we all went out for drinks. They were all over each other. I know when Im not wanted so I left"
They both look over to Olivia and Elliot.
" That day. They came in with each others coats on! They slept together! " Cragen says. He walks into the room where Liv is.
"How's she doing? " he asks.
"Better. Her heart slowed down so they are monitoring it-"
"Can I speak with you out side please? " He says cutting him off
"I can't leave her. What if she wakes up and there isn't any body here!"
Her eyes flutter. "El?" She says with a broken voice.
"Don't try to speak. It's ok I'm here"
"Wha. What happened? " She asks looking around.
"Don't you remember?"
"Hey liv" Cragen says. She gives a faint smile in acknowledgement.
"Can I speak with you now Elliot?".
Elliot nods. "I'll be back in a minute ok?".
They leave the room.
"Did you know?" Cragen asks.
"About what? "
"The baby"
"Like less week ago " he says rubbing his for head.
" And you didn't tell me!"
" I found out" he stops and looks at the floor. He wipes a tear from his face. "When it was already gone"
"El I'm so sorry" Cragen pats his shoulder.
Cragen and Finn look at each other again. They both nod in agreement that it's not the time to put him through the ringer about sleeping with his partner.

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