"What?" she asked, immediately getting conscious of how she looked.

Jaimee shook her head. "Nothing," then she gripped Lisa'a hand tighter and continued to walk towards the parking lot. They stopped when they reached Jaimee's car and Jaimee let go of Lisa's hand so she could unlock it.

Jaimee reached down to get her phone from the dashboard. "Oh, lookie here. It's only 5:45 a.m," she announced, grinning. "I'm going to drop you off at your house."

Lisa's cheeks flushed. "You don't have to do that. I can just take the bus."

"Oh, I insist. And I'm kidnapping you anyway."

But Jaimee wanted to know where Lisa lived. She was extremely curious about Lisa and she had the urge to know everything about the girl.

"Hop in," Jaimee winked and opened the door for Lisa.

Lisa liked the smell of Jaimee's car. It was feminine and it smelled like gardenias with hints of citrus. It wasn't suffocating. Lisa remembered the time she hitched a ride on their elderly neighbor's car on her way to church and it smelled like she was being smothered by a pillow of lavender.

"So, where do you live?" Jaimee asked as she started the car.

Lisa told her her address and they quietly drove off. They didn't talk much; they only threw each other meaningful glances along the way. When Jaimee tried to maintain eye contact, Lisa would look away and blush, making her smile. A few minutes later, they pulled over at a small, yet cozy-looking house. Lisa didn't live far from the school.

Out of hospitality, Lisa asked if the other girl wanted to go inside and have a cup of something warm. She wasn't exactly expecting Jaimee to say yes, so imagine her surprise when the cheerleader grinned and said, "Sure."

So they both got out of the car and went inside Lisa's house. They didn't need to knock since Lisa had her keys and so they just went inside where they found Lisa's mom sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Mom," Lisa greeted, a bit surprised that her mom was already up. But then again, her mom was always overprotective of her.

"Lisa? Where have you been? I just got off the phone with the police, but they said you need to have been missing for a full 24 hours in order to file a missing person's report. What kind of stupid—oh. You have a guest," that shut Lisa's mom up real quick.

Meanwhile, Jaimee took in Lisa's mom and she stared in disbelief. The woman doesn't look a day over than 25. When she recovered from her initial shock, she cleared her throat.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Jaimee Reed and I'm your daughter's... friend," she took a quick side glance at Lisa and winked. "We both got locked inside a classroom at school and didn't get out until just this morning."

Lisa's mom gasped and reached out to hug her daughter to death. "Oh my god! Are you okay, baby? Were you scared? I know there was a blackout last night so you must have been terrified. You haven't eaten yet too, right?"

"Mom! Mom this is embarrassing," Lisa's cheek flushed as she looked at Jaimee who's clearly amused at their mother-daughter relationship. "And yes, I was terrified with the blackout but... I was distracted."

Jaimee knowingly grinned at her and it made Lisa's cheeks even redder. Suddenly, Jaimee's stomach rumbled and she shyly looked at the pair.

"Looks like someone is hungry. Well then, I hope you like cereal, Jaimee. That's all we have to offer at this moment." Lisa's mom finally broke away from her. "But I have a big shipment next week and I invite you to join us for a small dinner. A friend of Lisa is always welcome in our house."

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