Chapter 11: June

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I stood there speechless for a good 2 minutes.

"Shit" I eventually said and brought my hands up to my face.

"Fuck...." I said in a lower tone and sat on the floor in front of Gerald.

Gerald sat beside me and I laid my arms on top of my knees.

"Why now?" I asked. Gerald looked at me and tried saying something but then shrugged.

"Why tell me now?" I said.  "What the fuck am I supposed to do with this information?" I said.

"Tell her, don't, whatever" he said "I couldn't care less"

"Why did you never tell her? I mean you hate her" I asked.

"For starters Jack is my best friend" he said.

"Oh come on" I said and he looked at me.

"What? What if Natalie was cheating on Jack would you go ahead and tell him?" he said and I was silent.

"Exactly" he said "she was always a bitch to me anyway.... and second, believe it or not I don't like getting involved in shit that's not my business" he said.

We sat there in few silence for a few seconds.

Was I really the one who was going to tell Natalie her boyfriend was cheating on her? I mean yeah she could have second guesses but it didn't mean it wouldn't feel shitty to know your fiance is being unfaithful. Or was I going to keep quiet and let things continue their own paths? And then look like the asshole when it was all laid out.

"I need fresh air" I said and stood up, I went outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air.

I took my phone and called Hannah.

"Hello?" she said.

"Where are you?" I said.

"On my way to the hotel, are you ready to leave?" Hannah said and I paused for a while.

"Yeah I... I guess" I said and looked down at my reflection on the pool.

"Are you okay?" she asked

"Yeah, yeah just tired" I said.

"See you at the lobby" she said and hung up.

I heard the clicking sound of a lighter and turned, I saw Gerald bringing the lighter up to the cigarette between his lips and lighting it up.

"Didn't know you smoked" I said and he breathed out the smoke he'd just inhaled.

"Bad habit" he said. He extended his arm towards me with the cigarette between his fingers offering me.

I took it from him and placed it between my lips inhaling the smoke.

"You never really told me how you got the rooms" I said.

"My dad" he said

"Of course" I said recalling everything Natalie and him had said before. "Rich dad and y'know" I said.

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