The Shock

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~3 Years later :)~

The silk around my body slipped to the ground as I stood looking at the mirror. I was very sick, from my pale skin that bruised easily to the bones that stuck out. Quickly I yank my black jeans on and threw my navy blue shirt on. Lola was waiting for me. We had decided to go visit town since she desperately needed to see Gavin. Probably to fuck him. I bent over and put on my black vans. I walked towards the bathroom pulling my hair back and placing it into a messy bun. Splashing water on my face I looked up into the bathroom mirror. Fuck...

"So um since we might see Kade..." Lola tapped on the steering wheel.

I picked at the last bit of left over black nail polish I had on. "Cool"

"You know it was never his fault his parents didn't approve of you."


"Abby you have to talk to him."


We didn't talk the rest of the way. I know I was acting like a bitch but I had changed in these last three years. I had completely forgotten about Kade. Well that is a lie but I thought about him less. As for my father, I went to visit him. Which resulted into calling me these words: you are  screwed in the head bitch hope you die. I having my emotional problems and burst into tears during that visit. I hated the damage he had done to me and now he had to pay.

I pulled over my black hoodie and rested my head against the car window. Lola had mumbled something but I had failed to notice as the rhythm of the car rocked me to sleep.


"So, ready to see Abby?" said Gavin.

"I guess." I exhaled the grey smoke from the cigarette.

Chuckling he responded, "Well I sure am ready."

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you will finally smile again."

I flicked the end of the cigarette towards him. "Shut the fuck up."

"Fine fuck, you need to calm down."

"Okay." I looked up at the darkening sky.

"Lets get going before we miss our dates at the bar."

I nodded in response. Gavin turned up the music as he drove. Abby, I had missed her, she probably has changed so much. I remember her sweet scent and her curves that drove me crazy. One day I will have her and make her mine.

Fantasizing about her gorgeous body I heard Gavin and snapped out of my little thoughts.


"We are here smart one."

"Oh." Shit

We walked into the bar and as soon as I saw her dark hair I almost ran. She turned and spotted me smiling.


"Kade." Her smile slightly turned sour.

I hugged her body close but she stood there stiff. I released her awkwardly.

"Sorry." I raked my hair with my hand.

"It's fine." She turned back to the bar taking shot of vodka.

"You drink now."


"I thought you were against it."

"Yeah, I was."

Her face looked hollow and piece was missing as her dazed eyes were full of dullness. Even like this she was hauntingly beautiful. After all this time I was not going to lie. I tried to forget about her I drowned myself in sex and alcohol. Nothing absolutely nothing could fill my emptiness but Abby.
I watched her carefully as she count inks to drown herself in alcohol. She hiccuped and giggled. Swaying herself in the chair as she starts falling I catch her she laughs lightly stroking my arm.
"Strong one aren't you?"
"You are drunk." I pick her up and tell Lola I am going to take her home. Lola simply winks at me.
I stare at Abby's sleeping face as she lays on my sheets. Laying myself beside her I stroke the hair out of her face. I know I shouldn't do this but I've been craving her since she left me. I kiss her neck as she shift and faces me. Her heavy eyelids flicker open and she stares at me with shock. It seems as if her innocence never left for a split second. Her eyes keep locked onto mine. Her eyes close suddenly.
"Kiss me."
I don't reply. I don't have to. Gently I kiss her plump lips. I've missed her touch her scent her delicate body. I pull her on top of me looking at her face which is glowing with a pink flare. The moon illuminating her soft childish features. This is the Abby I knew. Her hair cascades down her shoulder.
" I love you Kade." She slowly places her head on my chest.
" I always loved you Abby."
I could feel her tears dampen my shirt.
" I can never lose you again."
She kisses my neck softly, "You won't."
My vision becomes dark and everything seems at peace. I drift off to sleep, with the girl of my dreams.
Ayeeee what about now ;) -Alex

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