It's a long way home

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I sat silently in the car as my father took us home. His face petrified me as always, yet I knew it was my doing of being born and killing mum as dad would say. I knew I disgusted him, I looked more like him than mum which is why it didn't feel like he was hitting her when he would slap or hit me. Mum was the prettiest little dirty blond hair woman, she had huge green eyes that were so full of joy. I kept a small picture of her in my room so dad could not find it if he did he probably would burn it. Minutes passed in silence in the car. Suddenly I hear him clear his throat as he begins to speak.

"How was it? Did people ask questions, or see anything?"

I answered in a small voice, "No no and no."

He was quiet for a while. I looked towards him and saw his face darken as he started talking again, "You really thought I was stupid enough to not find about your little shitty plan to leave."

My mouth opened but before I could answer he slapped me and yelled, "You are never leaving that house do here me you stupid bitch."

Tears rolled down my face as I nodded and struggle to keep my cries inside. The rest of the ride home was quiet. Once we arrived home he told me to go shower and get inside my room. I obeyed my fathers demands and took the shower. As I stood under the running warm water I closed my eyes and replayed what had happened today. Kade, I thought, his cold dark blue eyes made me shiver. There is something about him I can't put my finger on. He seemed so different from any other guy I have ever encountered. As I got out of the shower I looked at my repulsive reflection he would never be into me, would he? I shook the silly thought as I got dressed. I walked into my dull room and took out my old PC which my father had bought me freshman year of high school on E-bay. I didn't complain of course because I felt pretty luck he had bought me it. I logged on and starting writing on my word documents, it kinda was like a diary that no one except for me would read. I looked at the clock and realized how late it was so I logged off and put my stuff ready for tomorrows classes. When I finally laid down I drifted off to sleep hoping tomorrow would be a better day.

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