The room

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Sitting in my room I waited and checked my phone constantly. It was 7:50... Kade had said he would be there at 8, so I think he meant he was coming to the house. I did not know for sure, but I knew I was thrilled yet really nervous. I started fiddling with the hem of my shirt. I was wearing my white PJ shorts which were nice and warm while my shirt was a plain black tank top. Getting up I put some music on, listening to whatever is on pandora. Winding down I let my mind drift as the song Beautiful by Mariah Carey played. Waking me from my trance I hear a knock at my window which leads to the backyard. I glance at my phone which read 8 sharp, wow punctual. As I stood and looked at Kade's crooked smile, when I saw him motioning me to open the window. Doing so he crept in, and as soon as he did he pinned me to the wall while a devious smirk played on his lip. My breath hitched and heat rose to my face and I shut my eyes. I heard him laugh lightly while he backed away and what seems he to be that he sat on my bed. Gradually opening my eyes I look at his amused face

"So Abby what are you plans for tomorrow since you know it's Christmas Eve."

"Well, I have never really celebrated since.." I trailed off with the lump forming at my throat.

Kade looked at me with sad eyes that hinted hatred. "I'm sorry Abby I should not have said anything." He said while embracing me in his warmth.

"It's fine.. I'm used to it." I said speaking into his chest.

I shivered when I feel his hot breath at my neck when he whispers, " Well tomorrow I would like to take you out."

Feeling my face heat I sputter out, "Where?"

Laughing lightly he tilts my chin up, our lips only a breath away, "That is a secret."

With that, he patched the space between, as our lips touched I felt the warmth stretch to my toes and back. He slowly layed me down on the bed without breaking the kiss. I knew being so close to him was wrong I was denying my own rules.. but I could not stay away from him. Wrapping my legs around his waist, clinging to him. I felt his warm tongue enter my mouth, feeling myself shiver in response. He was dominating and I stood there free for the taking, but I somehow knew he would never do something I would not want to do. His hands caressed my face while my fingers entangled in his soft hair. Once what seemed like forever we pulled apart breathless. My eyes were still closed while I smiled like a retard. I felt his body take the space up next to me on the bed while he played with my hair. Closing my eyes at his simple touch he kissed my cheek and stood up. Kade gave me a sad look as spoke.

"I have to get going Abby it's 9:30."

"Oh alright..." I trailed off.

"I'll see you tomorrow at 6, remember to wear something warm and make sure you wear pants, oh and thick socks."

I looked at him questioning, but before I could say anything else he sneaked out my window without saying another word. Still confused I sat on my bed wondering what are we? What am I to him? Not getting an answer I knew I would ask tomorrow hoping for an answer.


Looking at the window which I slipped out of, I wish I would have stayed but I know if I did I probably would not be able to control myself. She was intoxicating. She could drive me crazy without even trying, the scary part was she didn't know she was doing it. Still staring at the window I back away, I did not want to seem like the stalker type. Turning away I walked to my car and jumped in. Starting up the car I look back at Abby's room before I drove up. I knew that tomorrow I would ask her to be mine... My girlfriend.

Sorry short chapter guys I have been super busy love yall. ~Alexly

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