"Newt?" I yelled.

I grabbed the person's hand and dragged them out from behind the shelf. I looked at the person's face to see blonde hair and a grey jacket. Wait, grey?

This wasn't Newt.

I slung one of the limp man's arms over my shoulder and carried him, still looking around for Newt. I dragged the both of us around, squinting for more people. I saw another person, I ran as fast as I could to them, thinking it was Newt. It was a woman. I hurriedly picked her up and kept looking, my hope dying with each passing moment. Suddenly, I heard a shout come from behind me, I spun around and saw some men in strange clothes, maybe it was just the smoke getting to me. One of the men came up to me and took the man and woman from my grasp. He grabbed my arm and practically carried me to the front of the store. I struggled, trying to get out of his strong grip. I needed to get back in there to look for Newt. I couldn't lose him.

"Sir, please! Stay out here!" The man in the strange suit ordered.

"No! I have to find him! I'm not leaving him in there!" I screamed.

"Someone's still in there?"

"My boyfriend! Please!" I sobbed.

My head was spinning and my knees buckled from underneath me. I fell to the cold ground, the loud noises around me drowning into one big blur. I felt someone pick me up and set me down on an uncomfortable seat. They set something on my mouth and nose and told me to take deep breaths. I tried to, but sobs wracked throughout my body.

Eventually, I calmed down and my vision cleared. There were ambulances and people running about. I saw some fire men run into the building with a long hose and axes. I also saw some fire men carry people out, their faces covered with soot. Then, I saw one fire man carry out a man, he was skinny and had red Converse on. You could hardly tell, but you could see some strands of golden hair beneath the ash.


I shot up, but a paramedic with red hair grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going? You need to get treatment, you inhaled a lot of smoke." He said.

"I have to see if he's all right. Please." I coughed.

Red Head looked where I was pointing to.

"Is that the guy you were screaming about when we pulled you out of there?"

I nodded, tears coming down. He let go of my arm and I ran as fast as I could toward Newt. He was surrounded by medics.

"Excuse me, sir, but you need to stay back." One said, keeping me away from Newt.

"Please, is he all right? Let me see him." I cried. "He's my boyfriend."

The medic nodded and let me through. I kneeled by Newt and took his hand, his usually pale face was now overtaken by ash and soot. I whispered to him while I stroked his face soothingly.

"C'mon baby. Wake up." I said softly.

Newt coughed and slowly opened his eyes a crack.

"T-Tommy?" He said hoarsly.

"He's awake!" One of the medics called out.

Somebody placed a breathing bag on his face and Newt closed his eyes again, savoring the clean air he was breathing. After a bit, they slowly removed it and checked vitals on Newt. He was fine, he just breathed in a lot of smoke.

"Newt, what happened?" I asked when he was awake again.

"I-I don't know. I was looking at clothes and then I heard a loud bang. That's all I remember before I woke up here." He coughed.

"It's fine. Just as long as you're all right." I said, kissing him softly.

"It's amazing how fire exposes our priorities, doesn't it?" Newt said with a small smile.

"Is this really the time to make jokes?" I asked.


I chuckled lightly and kissed him again. Everyone was okay.


He was dead.

Newt was having breathing problems after the fire at the department store. We took it to get checked out, but it was to late. He died of lung problems. He inhaled to much smoke.

I lost him. Now, I was standing at the edge of one of the buildings that Newt and I looked at, the wind blowing through my hair. I was going to be with him again.

I took a deep breath.

And jumped.

《Newtmas Oneshots》Where stories live. Discover now