Chapter 2: First Lie//edited

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"One lie, then another.
First one you stutter,
but soon they're easy to utter."



Dongwoo and I run to where we thought Sungjong's shout came from, "Where is he!" Dongwoo asks in concern, I continue to look around till I hear a low hiss.

Turning around, I see Sungjong on the ground, "There!" I shout and run towards the water. Dongwoo and I stand frozen and dumbfounded at the site of our mate's condition. He's on the ground, his whole body stiff with his arm propping him from laying flat on the sand, his eyes fixed on something... and he looks frightened, his face yellowish.

I run to him, "are you okay?" I ask the one question I criticized people asking all the time, but I couldn't think straight. My maknae doesn't reply and only raises his arm to point at something, muffled words escaping his mouth. "L-look." and I turn to where he points, my eyes widen as I see a body in the water.

The sight makes me freeze too, I hear Dongwoo's sharp breath intake and I'm back

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The sight makes me freeze too, I hear Dongwoo's sharp breath intake and I'm back. I run into the water to rescue the drowned girl, it was so impulsive of me, I didn't need to think it through. It was like something was pulling me, but I don't believe in fate.

It's pity, then.

When I finally reach her, I take her into my arms and start being aware of the fact that any wrong touch or movement could destroy what's left of her, I carefully lift her up before my eyes linger on her pale skin. 

Her ankles and wrists are tied together and the skin underneath the rough ropes gashed from the struggles. I begin walking out of the water, "Come on! Call the rest we need to be in the nearest hospital now!" I shout, how much trouble we may be in right now doesn't irk me so much, it doesn't even register. All I can think about is how calling an ambulance while we already have a vehicle with us would be a waste of time.

When I'm on dry land, I set her on the sand and undo the ropes that are tied mercilessly, so tight that I wince on her behalf. I push on her chest cautiously next, it felt like her bones would break under my fingers but I had to try to push the water out. She's barely breathing.

Nothing is coming out, I push more than ten times but absolutely nothing. I follow the CPR my Noona made sure to teach me but her bruised body stays lifeless, so still with blood stains all over. "What happened!"

"What is wrong?" I hear Sungkyu and Woohyun shout, my eyes slowly trail off her figure to find all the rest watching. Myungsoo comes running with Howon, they exchange panicked looks at the sight.

"Start the bus! Let's go to the hospital!" Howon orders while Woohyun's the first to get to action with Sungkyu following.

"Come on!" Myungsoo shouts at me, I try to move but I'm unable to. I can't move a muscle.

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