I Need You.

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"Slash," I look into his eyes as I sit on his stomach with his hands in mine. "I love you so much. You're ama-"
"You're bruised from head to toe because of my fucking stupidity," his deep voice makes my insides tingle. "When we're married, I will be the best husband."
Laying across his chest, I kiss him once and smile,"I know, babe. We'll have a great future together. I do have something to tell you."
"What?" His beautiful eyes gaze into mine with admiration, which makes me feel guilty.
Biting my lower lip, I look at his chest to avoid any eye contact,"Axl wrote 'Rocket Queen' about me."
His body becomes tense beneath me; his hands leave mine as he cracks his fingers. With a quiet sigh, he starts to chuckle,"Well, he is right."
Rolling my eyes, I giggle,"So, you're not mad?"
"I don't want to fight with you. All I want is to see your smile. I need you," he pulls me back down and kisses me passionately. Slash pulls on my lower lip with his teeth, which still turns me on immensely.
Just when I start to truly be enveloped by the intensity of the kiss, he releases my lip from his teeth,"I'm going to spoil you. I will buy us a mansion. We will-"
"You're all I need. I don't care about anything you could give me other than your love," I tell him with honesty, staring into those eyes in which I have fallen so madly in love.
"And hickies," he adds as a smirk spreads across his handsome face.
My heart races at that comment. I smile at him,"Especially hickies."
"I Need You" by the Beatles.
Mr. & Mrs. Hudson! ❤ I hope you guys really enjoy this story because I absolutely LOVE reading your comments/seeing that you guys are reading these. It means the world to me. Thank you.

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