Soul To Squeeze.

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After my long shower and endless minutes applying make up, I find Axl in the kitchen dressed in some cartoon shirt and leather pants with his red bandana wrapped tightly around his forehead.
"I know that you still hate me," Axl leans against the counter, his ocean-colored eyes meeting mine,"but we need to talk. You can't keep going back to Slash after he does something stupid. He treats you like shit-"
"And you don't?" I cross my arms over my chest, wanting to be away from everyone. I want to go to my apartment, watch Class of 1984, and never speak to anyone. I want to punch Slash until his flawless curls fall from his head, but I also want to be wrapped in his strong, warm arms.
Sighing, he rolls his eyes,"Dani, I don't want to date you because I know that we wouldn't get along at all. You and Slash make each other happy, but you guys can't get along either."
"Thanks, Axl," I put my head in my hands, closing my eyes as I rest my elbows on the counter. "I'm in love with him, though. I don't think I can go back now. He's gone too far. I'm just going to go on a ride."
Before I leave, Axl wraps me in a mind-twisting, blurred hug, which I enjoy immensely, but I rush out of the building the second we detach. Searching for my black VW beetle, I bump into a few people who are leaning toward the rude side.
Once I'm in my car in a secluded location, I get Slash's very expensive and intricate, colorfully hypnotic, bong out, & I smoke all the weed I have, which is enough to land me in prison for at least two decades.
Why should I keep putting up with Slash's bullshit when I can make everything so mellow? Why should I have to deal with my dad and his abusive ways if I have the access to something that makes me minimize my problems?
As the intoxicating aroma fills my lungs, I throw my head back, listen to Led Zeppelin, and ignore the world.
"Soul to Squeeze" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Thanks for all the support on my stories! I really love you guys more than you know! ❤

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