Girls, Girls, Girls.

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I check my watch. It's already 10:00 at night. Slash should be coming back in a few minutes from the gig.
Today was great. Well, first Slash and I.. We had a good time, to say the least. After that, he went to the studio, and then he had a gig.
I know they played "Nightrain," which I think describes the band. Ready to crash and burn unfortunately is the line which describes the band best.
I've been listening to some music all day and cleaning. To be more specific, I'm trying to keep my mind off of Axl.
I cheated on Slash, the man I love, with his best friend. I need to tell him, but how? He'll hate me.
Feeling like I'm about to break, I pour myself a glass of tea. Axl's very attractive, of course, but Slash is the most amazing person I've ever met.
Quickly, the door is thrown open. Slash, who I can tell is drunk, says,"Alright, alright. There's enough of me for everyone."
Clinging to his sides are to blonde bimbos who are wearing some very revealing clothing. Slash's top hat is tipped to the side, and he has a goofy grin plastered on his face. My throat becomes tight, and the sight before me starts to choke me, leaving me unable to speak.
My hands tighten around my glass. What do I say? He's drunk; he won't understand.
"Ugh," the prettier blonde of the two scoffs, looking at me with her striking blue eyes. "Who is this, Slash?"
"Oh, hey, babe," my boyfriend falls on the couch, and both girls start kissing him. Grinning from ear to ear, Slash takes his shirt off.
Wanting to cry more than anything, I scream, my voice presenting my emotions,"Get out!"
Sitting on Slash's stomach, the blonde girl with the tight leather shorts starts to laugh,"Who do you think you are? You should have seen him at the strip club."
As if I'm shot in the chest, the air is sucked from my lungs violently; I blink at her, my heart ripped from my chest.
Why do I even put up with this? I don't deserve this. I'm not going to watch him cheat on me and do drugs.
Although I'm angrier than I've ever been, I take the bag of heroin out of his pocket, and I look down at my shirtless boyfriend. He's really drunk, but I can see the pain in his eyes. He looks like a mess, and that's what I love. His curls are everywhere, surrounding his face and making him look like an angel. Slash reaches for my hand with tears in his chocolate eyes; I turn without a word and leave.
That's the end of Slash and I. I refuse to put up with this.

"Girls, Girls, Girls" by Mötley Crüe.
Well, I don't even know what to say about this chapter. We'll just have to see what happens next (:

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