You Know My Name.

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"Yes, Mr.Taylor, I won't be late again," I put my hair into a messy black bun and look into his dull gray eyes.
"What made you lose track of time, Ms.Pierce?" He crosses his arms firmly over his chest.
I open my mouth to speak but smile instead. "Uh," I tie my apron around myself. "Well, I was with my - boyfriend."
"Teenagers," he scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Get to work. Table 6."
I make my way through the clean Denny's, grateful that I didn't lose my job. That would be just amazing.
When table 6 is in my sight, I stop. Seriously? Slash came here? He couldn't eat somewhere else? He brought Axl Rose, too.
"Hello. My name is Dani. I'll be your waitress today," I look directly at Axl as I say that, avoiding Slash's smirk. "What would you like to drink?"
"Jack Daniel's for me," Axl smiles at me. "Thank you, Dani."
I offer him a grin then force myself to look at Slash. He has the most amused, cocky smirk on his handsome face. What an asshole. He thinks this is the funniest thing.
"I would love some tea," his eyes meet mine. "Do you like tea?"
My mouth goes dry, so I just stare at him. Is he really here? At my job?
"I'll be back with your drinks in a moment."
Slightly angry, but also happy, I get back to the kitchen, put my notepad in my pocket, and pour their drinks. I should really spit in Slash's, but I'm not that mean.
I sneak a glance in the mirror and decide I look decent. Carrying their drinks in both hands, I walk back to their table.
"Thanks, beautiful," Axl winks at me, and I wink back to make Slash jealous. When I hand him his drink, he looks at me with shock on his face, then he smiles.
"Can I take your orders?" I pull out my notepad and pencil, smirking at Slash.
Axl answers,"I'll have the spaghetti. Thanks, sweetheart."
I grin at him as Slash says,"I'd like a pepperoni pizza."
Once I give the order to the chef, I check on a few of the other tables and get a tip of $15. My boss keeps an eye on me from the other side of the restaurant. Yeah, he is not happy.
Once the food is done, I go back to table 6. Slash is flirting with some blonde bimbo. I feel myself chuckle. I guess I should have expected that.
I give Axl his plate then "accidentally" knock Slash's onto his lap.
I fake a gasp,"I am so sorry, sir. Let me bring you to the back to get you cleaned up. I'm so, so sorry."
Slash leaves the table with a grin on his face and walks beside me,"You look so hot in that apron, and you are such a dick."
"At least I can say I have a big dick," I shoot back with a grin.
His laugh is infectious and beautiful as I get on my knees to wipe off the pizza from his pants. I use a napkin to wipe off the smeared sauce and feel his boner.
"You are irresistible," he tells me out of nowhere. Slash picks me up by the arm, slams me against the wall, and starts to kiss me. My mind twists and bends while he feels my butt.
I pull back,"My boss is out there, Slash. I can't get fired. You should stop teasing me, though."
"You like it."
"I don't like the blonde chick," I search his eyes, letting my fingers explore his hair. "I wish I could leave. Okay. Let's go back."
When we reach the table, Axl and the blonde chick are making out. My boss is here, too. Great.
"Mr.Hudson," my boring boss looks at Slash with pleading eyes,"I apologize for my employee. Would you like 10% off?"
"No, no. Women fall over me all the time. Actually, Dani was very polite. She deserves a raise." Slash puts his leather jacket on.
"She will definitely get one, Mr.Hudson. Can I have your autograph?" Mr.Taylor questions.
Slash signs a napkin, keeping his eyes on mine. How am I so lucky to have him?
"Oh," Slash looks at my boss when he finishes the autograph. "Your waitress made sexual advances toward me, so I'd like her to be fired."
Hey, guys. It won't let me fix "apologize." When I edit the story, it is spelled correctly. When I read it, it is spelled some other way ): Ugh.

You Know My Name by Courtney Love.

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