Arc 2, Chapter 29

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The Defending

Victor was numb.

He allowed Seraph to drag him through the expansive hallways of the Celestial Palace at an excited, almost breakneck speed. Victor could have cared less- his mind was racing far faster than Seraph was running.

Seraph's mom is gonna kill my parents. They're gonna die. I'm going to be an orphan again. The dark thoughts of Umbra's and Matthew's grisly demise wouldn't leave his mind.

I've gotta tell Seraph that he was wrong. Victor muttered to himself, but it was easier said than done.

Crushing Seraph's entire interpretation of the events would cause trouble. More trouble than Victor wished to bring about. Sure, he was right, but how would Seraph take it? For all Victor knew, he'd be pissed.

Even if Victor found the courage to confess the truth to Seraph, could the spirit even change his mother's mind about the attack? Would this erase her trust of him? And, again, if that happened, Seraph would be pissed at him.

Victor was aware of how trivial his fears seemed compared to the bloody outcome of Celeste's vengeance. But he couldn't shake the anxieties surrounding his friendship with Seraph. Seraph was his first friend, and Victor couldn't bare to have this relationship end in less than a week. He had to keep him.

His shoulders slumped, nearly tripping as the enthusiastic spirit pulled him around a corner. So, Victor thought glumly, my only friend or my parents?

With that question hanging in his mind, Victor suddenly came to a halt. His heart was beating fast, and Victor was sure he was having a heart attack.

He wanted to hug his parents again. He loved them. He couldn't let them die. For the first time in my life, it's my job to save them.

"Seraph..." I can do this, Victor  thought.  I totally can do this. For Umbry and Matt.

Seraph turned around, blinking. He stared at Victor in innocent confusion, the tiny wings floating by his back fluttering.

I can't do this. Nope, not at all. Victor was rapidly back pedaling away from his friend, on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Oh my goodness, Victor, what is wrong?" Seraph gasped, reaching out to touch his arm. Victor shyed away, letting out a squeak.

"MY PARENTS ARE GONNA DIE." His thoughts were muddled. He didn't mean for that to slip out. But it seemed to do the job.

Seraph flinched at the intensity of the mental message. "What are you talking about?"

He had no choice. It was now or never.

"You told Celeste wrong! Those mercanaries in the basement weren't kidnappers, they were my friends and family! I'm a mercenary, along with them! We were on a mission, we had NO IDEA those guys were poachers or whatever! Now they're gonna die, and I'm going to be a orphan..." The words slipped through their telepathic connection like water through a drain. Victor barely noticed the tears falling down his cheeks. The edges of his vision were blurred; he could only focus on Seraph clearly.

Seraph's mouth gaped. "What?! I-I had no idea, friend, no idea... I was in such bad condition at the time, I could not really hear, or process much... I just thought... You looked so afraid, Victor..." The spirit looked almost as bad as Victor felt, eyes wide and hot tears threatening to spill out.

Victor wasn't sure how to respond to Seraph's breakdown. Luckily, he didn't have to, as Seraph started to speak again.

Seraph wiped his face with his sleeve. "W-we have to find Erethe. She will know where Mother teleported." The spirit swallowed, wrapping Victor in a hug. "I am so sorry, Victor. I swear I will fix this."

Author's Note- I meant for this to be mixed in with the next chapter, but I got into a writing rush, and when I looked down at the word count, it was already too long to splice in with the other part. So...please vote and comment if you like this! We're almost done! I'm really excited for the next chapter ;)

(Also I drew the pic of Matthew)

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