Chapter 20 - Niall

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What are they talking about in there? Nevermind. Not my girlfriend; not my business. I don't care anyway.

Oh, who am I kidding?! Are Victoria and Michael, like, a thing now? Did she move on that quickly? In just a day?

I thought Lily was cool with the breakup. We had talked a few times and she seemed fine. Why would she suddenly do this and ruin my relationship?!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ben called my name, "Niall? Niall?"

"Huh?" I asked, snapping back to reality.

"How did you and Jasmine meet?"

At some point, we had made our way over to the couch and Jasmine was practically on top of me. "We were sitting next to each other on the plane over here," I said with almost no emotion.

After a little more talking, Michael came back out. I tried not to pay attention but Victoria didn't follow and he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room.

Once we were upstairs, I questioned him, "What do you think you're doing?" I don't even know this guy! We literally met fifteen minutes ago!

"I'm asking the questions," he stated obviously disgusted. "What do you think you were doing?"

"What are you talking about, mate?"

"Oh, don't act stupid."

I shook my head, "All I can do is guess... If you're talking about Lily, it honestly wasn't what it looked like! She asked me to meet her and I was willing to do anything to get away from the bus so I did! The next thing I knew I was pushed up against the wall with her lips pressed on mine and Victoria showed up!"

I still couldn't get her words out of my head. "That's what he said, too." Yeah, but I actually meant it!

"Why should she believe that?! Everyone says that when they're caught cheating! Especially since you walked in holding Jasmine's hand! You go from Victoria to Lily to Jasmine! In two days at that!"

"Because I love her. And I'm telling the truth. What do you care anyway? Are you her new boyfriend?" I mocked.

"No," his face dropped.

"Then why do you care?! You've known her for less than a day!"

"Nothing. Nevermind," he started to walk out.

"No. Tell me. You dragged me up here. Why do you care so much?"

"I like her, okay?"

"What? After a day?" I scoffed.

"Yeah," and he said something under his breath. I couldn't quite make it out but I think it was "and I kissed her."

"You what?!"

"Nothing," he slid out.

I ran past him down the stairs and pulled Victoria into the kitchen.

"He kissed you, huh?" I questioned, getting annoyed at this point.

"Yeah. So? Do you and your three-timing ass have a problem?"

"Yes, actually I do have a problem. What if I walked in on you when he was kissing you? That wouldn't be any different from when you walked up to Lily mackin' on me! I didn't ask her to do it! Just like you didn't ask Michael to kiss you! I would hope..." I trailed off.

"I wouldn't have even met Michael if it weren't for you and that little bitch! And what about Jasmine now? Are you two a thing?!"

"No. We've known each other for less than a day," I tried to tell her calmly.

"You can go back to that little bitch if you want. I'm fine here with Ben."

"I don't want that 'little bitch!' I want you!"

Suddenly I was slammed against the wall with her perfect lips against mine. I don't think I will EVER understand girls. Seriously, what just happened?

A/N: holy shit sorry for the wait! for a couple months I just never got around to it and then I had finals and stuff and now it's 4 in the morning and I couldn't sleep so I whipped this up just now.. sorry it sucks. I'll try to update more in the near future but the next week is pretty busy for me and then I'm going away for 3 weeks but I'll try :)

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