Chapter 17 - Victoria

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I settled in on the plane with a glass of Sprite. I read a few magazines, which was hard considering One Direction was in almost all of them! Before I knew it, the plane was landing. I let everyone off before me so I was the last one off. I made my way over to baggage claim, keeping my head down. I found my flight on the boards and grabbed my bag. When I turned around, I practically walked into Ben! He had been waiting right behind me!

I put my bag down and collapsed into his arms. "Ben! I missed you!" I cried.

"I missed you too, Vic! Come on, let's go to my car and you can tell me what happened. Do you wanna stop for ice cream on the way back?" he laughed.

I smiled, "Of course! Do I ever not want ice cream?!"

We made our way to his car, and I threw my suitcase in the back before I climbed into the passenger seat. I instinctively reached to turn on the radio, but then I remembered I was going to tell him about what happened. We took off for McDonald's and I stayed silent for a bit.

"Vic, you don't have--"

"No, it's okay," I looked down. "It's a pretty short story, actually. Basically, my ex-boyfriend cheated on me, and that's why we broke up. Niall knew that, too! So I got a text from him saying to meet him, and I went there to find him making out with Lily! His ex-girlfriend, Lily! And I had met her just before that and she seemed so nice! She told me that she just wanted to see Niall happy and she approved of us!" I broke down.

"Oh, that's okay, Vic! You don't need Niall! Obviously he doesn't deserve you!" he rubbed my back as we pulled into McDonald's. He parked the car, and as we walked in, he asked, "Oreo or M&M?"

"Oreo!" I exlaimed, while laughing.

We walked up to the counter and the lady asked, "Hi, what can I get you?"

"Two Oreo McFlurries, please," he smiled at her. He paid and then we waited about a minute before getting our snacks. "Thank you."

We walked over to a table and sat down to start eating.

I was about halfway done when Ben jumped up calling out, "Michael! How are you, mate? I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Ben! I know, it's been almost a year!" 

They bumped fists before I cleared my throat and Ben introduced me, "Oh yeah, Victoria, this is Michael, my best mate, and Michael, this is Victoria, my cousin!"

"Hi, nice to meet you Michael!"

"Nice to meet you too! Do you mind if I join you?" He looked back and forth at Ben and me.

I shrugged at Ben, so Ben said, "Sure! Hey, bro, we were actually just on our way home and we stopped here. Wanna come over?"

I felt my eyes widen. I mean, Michael was attractive, but he kinda reminded me of Niall! Damn, I was getting too far ahead of myself! But whatever! Michael's attractive; I might as well make the best of it, even though he has the same blonde hair with dark roots and blue eyes like Niall. The more I thought about it, the more I started to see Niall's face. The only difference I could see was that Michael was a little more built. I shook the thoughts out of my head just in time to hear Michael answer, "Yeah, sure! I'll meet you there in fifteen?"

"Sure. We're gonna get going. See you then."

I smiled and gave him a little wave before following Ben out with my ice cream.

We got in the car, but I couldn't avoid the inevitable. Josh wasn't my only best friend before I moved; Ben was also like a brother. "Vic," he dragged out the I, "I saw you blushing in there! You know, Michael's single!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, but I knew there was no point. Josh and Ben both knew me better than they knew themselves.

"Yeah, sure," he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Oh, it's gonna be like that!?" I joked, sticking my tongue back at him.

We pulled into the driveway, and I brought my bags into the house. Ben soon followed, and I decided to unpack later, curling into a ball on the couch under my favorite blanket.

"You want hot chocolate?"

"Sure, thanks," I smiled. "If I recall correctly, you made the best hot chocolate in town? Although, that was nine years ago so who knows how bad you are now!" I joked.

"Trust me, I'm even better now!" he laughed. He was reaching in the cupboard above the oven when his phone dinged, signaling that he had gotten a text. He pulled it out of his pocket and tossed it to me. "Can you check that, Vic?"

"Yeah, sure." I unlocked his phone using the same passcode from so many years before, 9791, his brother's birthday. I couldn't believe that was still his passcode! Such brotherly love! I read the text from Josh out loud, "Niall just got on a plane to England."

Author's Note: I'm so sorry it's been so long! Unfortunately, I have midterms in two weeks so I'm gonna be very busy studying until then, but I'll try to update right away after that! :) Also, I dedicated this to one of my friends who always tells me I need to update! So if you want me to update sooner go fan her and tell her to yell at me to update! ;)

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