Chapter 18 - Niall

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I settled on the plane and I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done. Well, actually I technically hadn't done anything! Lily just threw herself at me! I tried to resist but she had me pinned against the wall and I didn't have time to react before Victoria came!

Thinking about what happened led to thinking about what Vic said as she ran away in tears. "That's what he said, too." The thing is that I actually meant it! That boy that broke her heart back in America just said it because he wanted her back. I actually meant it! It actually wasn't what it looked like! The more I thought about it, the more it hurt. I tried to take my mind off of her but it was so hard.

Minutes before the plane took off, a girl sat next to me. She looked to be about 18. I know what you're thinking. Bleach blonde hair, big boobs, tight shirt, and lots of makeup? Not at all, actually. Her long, red hair was up in a ponytail and she wasn't wearing any makeup at all. She was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, which actually makes sense! I will never understand why girls get dressed up to go to the airport! Even though she was dressed the way she was, she was so beautiful.

I hadn't even realized I was staring until she let out a short giggle before covering her mouth and introducing herself, "Hi, I'm Jasmine."

"Niall," I smiled. I think that was the first time I smiled since Victoria left. It was the first time I smiled at all, let alone a genuine one, but as we continued having a conversation, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

We talked for the entire flight without even one boring moment. Damn, this girl could keep a conversation going! I've been on dates where the girl just smiles and nods and says an occasional "yeah" or "right!" or laughs. It's not that they're trying to impress me by smiling and laughing, it's just that they can't keep a conversation going. It's cute at first that they're so shy, but it gets annoying after a while that I have to keep thinking of new things to talk about that won't bore either of us. Honestly, the only other girl I've been able to talk to for hours on end without getting bored is Victoria. The more I talked to Jasmine, the more I started to forget about Victoria, but every time I thought about her the more it hurt. The hard thing about this was that I was going back to England to get Victoria back but I kinda like Jasmine.

"Why are you flying to England?" I asked her.

"Well, I can't exactly swim there, can I?" she joked.

I slapped her arm playfully as I complained, "You know what I mean!"

"How do you know what I know?" she asked sticking out her tongue.

"Because I'm just that smart!" I grinned.

"Fine, fine," she smiled back at me, "I'm visiting my cousin. Why are you going to England?"

"I'm--" I realized I couldn't exactly tell her the real reason. "I'm visiting a friend." It wasn't exactly a lie. I was going to Ben's house! Plus, Victoria hadn't broken up with me so we were technically still boyfriend and girlfriend which meant we were friends.

"Where does your friend live? Are we ever gonna see each other again?" She ran her finger down her face, tracing a fake tear.


"Wait, seriously? My cousin lives there too!" she laughed.

"Yeah!" I laughed, "That's so weird! Well, I actually have a driver picking me up at the airport. I can give you a ride if you'd like," I suggested so I could have more time with her!

"That would be great! Thank you so much!"

We talked for the rest of the flight and eventually the plane landed. We got our stuff from baggage claim and met my driver. She told the driver her cousin's address after looking through her papers for it and we took off for the 45-minute drive.

The time flew by after what felt like only fifteen minutes! We pulled up to the address she had said and as she stepped out of the car, I pulled her back, "Wait! What's your number? We should keep in touch." We exchanged phones and put our numbers in before she left for what I thought would be good.

We waited for her to get into the house but she never did. After standing outside the door for about five minutes and desperately ringing the doorbell at least seven times, she put her white iPhone to her ear.

Suddenly she came back to the car and told me, "My cousin is at his friend's house. I hope you don't mind driving me there?" she asked biting her lower lip nervously, which was so hot.

"Of course not! More time with you!" I smiled. "What's the address?" She told me the address and my eyes widened. "You're joking right?"

She scrunched her eyebrows as she shook her head, "No, why?"

"That's my friend's house. The one I'm visiting."

"Oh, wow," she laughed.

After another five minutes, we pulled up to Josh and Ben's house. We got all our bags out and walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell. Within thirty seconds, Ben opened the door. I saw Victoria behind him, holding some other guy's hand. I'm guessing he's Jasmine's cousin. She gave me a sad look but it quickly turned into a glare.

I grabbed Jasmine's hand as we walked through the door, but she immediately walked towards her cousin. He walked towards her, too, and they hugged and said their hellos. Victoria and I just stood glaring at each other.

"Vic, this is my cousin Jasmine," the guy said.

"And Michael, this is my EX-boyfriend, Niall," she emphasized the 'ex.' Well, I guess that confirms it.

Author's Note: yay! longer chapter! haha I hope you liked it! I'll try to update again soon! I'm trying to finish soon too!


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