Broken Trucks - Chapter 3

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Boo!! so this is my chapterrr. Its dedicated tooo MEGAN, is xD youll find out near the end, Megs, theres something in there that relates to you ahaa ;)

Not Proofread Yet.

Thanks for everything guyss!! :D

☺Chapter 3☺

Bentley P.O.V.

            I hang up the phone and walk towards Tori’s bedroom, knocking twice I wait for her to let me in.

            “Come in, Lee.” She called.

            I entered into her room and stood in the door frame. “Wanna go to the ramps? The band is playing random tunes and people are paying, they need me there, but-”

            “You don’t want to leave me here, alone.” She finished.

            I nodded and looked down at my feet.

            “Let me get my jacket and I’ll go get my bike.” She said.

            I bit my lip, feeling it stretch where the cut is. I wince at the pain so stop and look up to meet Tori’s head.

            “You’ve dyed your hair again?” I smirked.

            “What? The brown was only a one wash type of dye. I think black suits me more.” She grinned.

            “You’re killing your hair, you know.” I smiled, walking out of the room.

            “Says you, you have blonde in your hair!” She mocked shock.

            “Streaks; blonde streaks.” I grinned and ruffled her hair.

            “Lee! I just washed and brushed that!” She moaned, sorting it out.

            “Really? I never noticed.” I teased, putting on an innocent face.

            “Oh shut up and come on.” She rolled her eyes.

            I grin at her before we slowly descend the stairs. I grab my board as we creep out of the front door, trying to be quiet since mum is in the living room. As soon as I close the door behind us, Tori has shot towards the big tree in the garden and is pulling her pure black BMX out. Her murky green eyes look up at me, excitement showing in them.

            “Why are you so happy?” I laughed.

            “I haven’t road my baby in a week.” She pouted.

            “Your ‘baby’?” I smirked.

            “Shut up, you call your board ‘doll’.” She grinned.

            I glared at her. “I do not.”

            “Do too.” She smirked.

            “I don’t.” I rolled my eyes.

            “Then explain why I here you call her Doll all the time.” She teased.

            “It’s just something I do.” I avoided her gaze.

            “Exactly. Now let’s get going or Jimmy will glare at us again.” She giggled.

            I laughed. “Oh no, the wrath of Jimmy!”

            She grinned at me before climbing on her bike and taking off ahead of me. I smile and follow behind her on the pavement on my board.


            We arrive at the park to see Luke holding a portable microphone as he starts a new song. I see my drum kit at the back of the three, just screaming to be used. Lush is already there, her fingers going hay-wire on the keyboard. Jimmy is busy blasting chords on his bass and Mike’s hands are speeding through the tune.

            “Good luck.” Tori whispered before shooting off in the direction of the mini half-pipe.

            I nod my head at her and watch her do a wheelie and spin-y thingy on her bike. A few members of the crowd are staring at me like I don’t belong here, that I’m just a teenager ready to ruin this band’s song. Lush turns her attention to me, catching my attention. She mumbles something along the lines of ‘Need help… Losing people… No beat.’

            I shake my head and grin at her, coming back to my senses. I jog over to the drum kit, sitting in the stool and picking up my sticks. I look up to the crowd as I try to pick up where we are in the song. We’re on the first chorus, I think.

            Whispers go through the crowd, I pick up a few.

            “What’s he doing?!”  

            “He’s gonna ruin the song!”

            “He doesn’t look talented at all.”

            “Someone get him off.”

            “He’s gonna be crap!”

            And that was only a few of the nice ones. I frown; tuning them out as I concentrate on Mike’s playing. When he hits the note signalling the next verse, I grin and immediately come in with the drum beat. Lush sighs in relief and the guy’s backs loose their tension.

            The song ends and the crowd cheers as I tune back in to my surroundings. I grin as Mike turns around the same time as Luke, Jimmy’s leaning over the keyboards, laughing and chatting to Lush.

            “What song next guys?” I sighed, happily.

            “Ready to Go?” Lush smiled.

            We all nodded in agreement and took our places. Luke addresses the crowd with out song choice, and few of the teenagers smirk, like it’s hard to do. But it’s really not! Lush starts the keyboard tune the same time as Mike and Jimmy start doing the oh’s and I hit my symbol. At the right time I bring in the drums as the lead and bass guitar comes in.

            Luke starts to sing and it’s just me and him making a noise, until Mike starts to sing background. The chorus soon comes around and we all pipe in, my arms and hands hitting each drum and the fast pace. I block out my surroundings and concentrate on the foot pedals, not bothering to even look at what my hands are doing.

            At the last chorus I look up to see the crowd smiling and cheering us on. Soon it’s time for my little drum piece and I grin as I do the slow but fast rhythm. Lush soon comes in with her little tune, grinning to herself. I can’t help but smile, this has to be one of our favourite songs to play. It’s just a happy and fun song.

            I look over to Jimmy, his brown hair flying as he nods to the rhythm. His brown eyes are excited as the song starts to end. We all know we’ve done a good job; it’s just the vibe we get from the crowd. I look at Mike, as he starts to flow away to sing the final oh’s. With one quick flick of my hands, the song comes to an end and people cheer.

            I grin, out of breath, as they chuck money into a bright green and black top hat that Luke has obviously bought since he is obsessed with them. I laugh and stand up, walking over to Lush. She smiles up at me, and we end up laughing and hugging. Proud of ourselves.

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