Chapter Twenty Nine - Emmett

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"Come on down, cupcake." Emile growled seductively and I saw Ivy's grip tighten on the branch.

"Why did you pick me?" Ivy choked out through tears. I could see her physically shaking as the camera zoomed in on her and I could tell that she hadn't slept at all last night either.

"Why? I have a special job for you my dear." Emile smiled as he stood slowly and stroked Ivy's ankle slowly. She tried to kick him away, but he grabbed her foot and yanked her hard enough to make her lose her grip on the branch. She slipped down and only barely managed to stop herself before falling straight through all of the branches and to the cold unforgiving ground below her.

I glanced at Axel to see him shaking in anger as he watched his dream mate be abused by Emile's grimy hands. A low and protective growl slipped out of Axel's chest and I saw his eyes start to change to a deeper black, indicating that he was close to shifting.

"Luna you need to take him out of here before he does something stupid." I ordered. Axel's head whipped around to glare at me.

"You think that I'm going to take my eyes off her for a second?" Axel growled and I could see his Alpha traits start to show. His voice was more powerful, he sat up straighter, and the low growl slipped steadily out.

"Do you think that you can do anything to help her here? She is in there and we are out here! We are doomed to be spectators right now and no matter how angry you get and how much you growl, nothing is going to change that. Watching her like this isn't helping you at all. We have almost Emile's entire fan group sitting right behind us while we only have five including your two men. Emile's friends are bloodthirsty, they are rebellious, and they are itching for a fight so if you give them a reason, they are going to take it. Now get up, step out for a second, and get some air. I'll fill you in on everything that happened when you come back and are completely calm." I said with firmness in my voice. Standing up to an Alpha like that wasn't the best choice, but right now I wasn't speaking to him as a Beta but as a friend.

Axel stood in a huff, but relaxed slightly when Luna slipped her hand into his. She led him out of the arena.

I sighed at all of the stress and received a tap on the shoulder once they were completely out of sight. I turned to see one of Axel's best fighters sitting right behind me. I knew he was there along with the tiniest member of Axel's pack, but I just never pay attention to them.

Samuel was the one who had tapped on my shoulder and I raised my eyebrows at him. "That was really brave to calm Axel down like that. Thanks." He said. My eyebrows shot up in shock, but I nodded at his thank you.

"Axel isn't my Alpha, Shay is. Just because he isn't my Alpha doesn't mean that he shouldn't be treated like he is. He is a close friend to me and I can tell when he is getting overworked or stressed. Even Alphas need a time out sometimes." I mumbled and I saw Samuel nod approvingly.

I looked back at the screen to see Emile and Ivy just getting down to the bottom of the tree.

"I guess I didn't miss anything." I thought to myself with an eye roll. This was like a scary movie that someone put all of your closest friends into.

"I'm not going to do whatever it is you want me to do." Ivy said with a voice that she tried to make sound strong but it came out weak and fragile.

"I think you will." Emile hummed as he ran his finger down Ivy's face and along her jaw line. She turned her head away from him, but he grabbed her jaw and firmly held it in place. He leaned in like he was going to kiss her, but instead blew a little bit of air on her neck, making her shiver. She bit her lip as tears rolled quickly down her face.

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