“She’s cute. Just not my type.” Gabriel concluded.

Dallas rolled his eyes at his best bud. “Dude her brother would’ve been more your type.” It was a known fact that Gabriel Hunter was openly gay and got a lot of shit from the other guys from it. However, with white washed fitted jeans and a simple dark blue t-shirt he certainly didn’t look the part. Gabriel ran a hair through his blonde bangs falling on his cerulean blue eyes and smiled, while alternatively looking like an Abercrombie & Fitch model.

“Are trying to set me up with her brother buddy boy?”

“No man, you should know that I’m last person to try match making.” Dallas snorted and shivered in mock horror.

“Well that’s true. Still I think you two could really hit it off.” Gabriel encouraged Dallas. Dallas wasn’t the most self confident person around.

“Gabe you say that about every female I come across. Besides I’m not really interested in her. She gives me this weird vibe.” Dallas frowned.

Gabe shrugged and followed Dallas as the latter roamed between the bookshelves “Don’t blame me buddy boy, I’m only trying to help. And also she is the only female I’ve seen you actually have a conversation with in this Uni, excluding the librarian and you-know-who.” Gabriel whispered out loud

Dallas abruptly turned around in panic ready to hit Gabe over the head with the thick book he had in his hands and glared at him. “You know we are not supposed to talk about them in public Gabe!” he whisper yelled at him. Dallas looked around the isolated section, relaxing when he saw they were the only ones around.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Chill buddy boy, it’s not like I said her name. I’m still following the rules of our sacred society.” He replied with mock respect on his tone and made a symbol of the cross. “And why do we have to hide it anyway? Are they really ashamed to hangout with us?”

“You know why Gabe and stop dragging this thing out.”

“Yeah yeah whatevs. Did you get that thing I asked you to?”

Dallas nodded and handed him a file from his duffel bag. Gabriel read through the contents with a slight frown and returned it to him. They left the library in silence until Gabriel opened his big mouth.

“We should have a nickname for her. How about Medusa?”

“How about you stop watching Grey’s Anatomy so much?”


Reece parked his car in front of a huge tapestry of an abstract swan, covering almost half of the white outer wall. He stepped out of the vehicle and immediately headed for the bold front doors, without taking a moment to admire the three-storied mansion. He was well aware that the second floor had a crescent balcony held up by two enormous marble columns. And that the third floor was dominated by Gothic arch windows with intricate glass painting on the window screen.

He also knew there that the fifth step on the staircase made a creak and that there were purple stains on the purple carpet in the hallway that nobody could see. He opened the door and stepped onto the polished marble floors and looked up to see the giant crystal chandelier on the roof, illuminating the entryway for no reason other to waste electricity since sunlight already streamed from the huge floor to ceiling windows from the next room living room.

He moved towards the curved staircase but was stopped by a soft body attacking his foot with an insistent mewls. Reece immediately jumped a mile and backed up towards the door. The fluffy white Persian cat gave a questioning bob of its head and stalked towards Reece like the move of a predator. It arched its back and bent on its hind legs as it was about to jump. Reece cursed and looked around for escape with loud resounding sneeze, but it seemed that the frightening ball of fur had cornered him beside a potted plant. He knew his last resort would be to throw the plant at the Mephistopheles like reincarnation.

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