Chapter Two: Problems With The "It Couple"

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(A/N Hey guys I'm back!! :) So I know y'all want to know what happened next but before that happens, I have to give a little insight on Jenna and Andy before they started dating.)


Andy Gold was the popular boy at school and everyone wanted to be him. So it only made sense that he would date someone as popular as himself. But Andy wanted to truly love someone without ruining his reputation. After he had checked out all the popular girls, queen bees, and cheerleaders, it was clear to him it wasn't possible. He already had his mind set on one of the cute, nerdy girls since the day he walked into Eastern High. And that girls name was Katie Hayes.

He loved the way she laughed, her long luscious hair , and her name was sweet bliss. But Andy had a reputation to hold and he wasn't going to let a girl get in the way of it. He knew he didn't love anyone but Katie, but he would try dating someone else and learning how to love them. He knew that tons of girls would do anything to date him. Andy knew it would be hard to love anyone else, but he was willing to try for his own sake.


Jenna Hamilton was the head cheerleader at Eastern High. She was one of the most hated and prettiest girls around. She was rich and the nastiest girl around. At first, she might deceive you with her beauty, but her true colors always show. She didn't care who you were, she hated you. Unless, of corse, you were Andy Gold. She practically drooled over him.

Jenna knew that together, she and Andy could be the it couple. But, for reasons she couldn't understand, Andy just didn't seem into her. Jenna swore she would date Andy and she would take down anyone who tried to get in her way.


After Andy found out Katie and her friend Laura saw himself and Jenna making out, he was devastated. He had a make out session against his will but for some reason went with it. Now the whole school think that they were the it couple again.

"Why are things so complicated in my life?" he wondered. "Everyone else seemed to have it so simple."

As Andy walked home in deep thought. He never really fell for Jenna and he still was madly in love with Katie. He just couldn't let it show.

After walking for around 20 minuets, Andy arrived home to a houseful of boxes and a moving truck. His mom was busy talking to the movers so he slipped inside unnoticed. As he went up to his old room, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He got a text from his buddy Chad.

"Hey bro, wanna hang?" the text said.

"Nah, I movin tomorrow but we can hang l8ter" Andy replied.

"K dude but one thing, r u really goin out with Jen again?" Chad texted back.

Andy slammed his phone down in frustrating. "Great!" he thought sarcastically. He stormed into his room

He plopped down on his sleeping bag, the only thing left in his room. The rest of his things were in boxes and the movers had already out the bed on the truck. Andy didn't know what in the world to do so hem did the first thing that came to mind. He called Jenna to straighten things out.

The phone rang and rang until finally, Jenna picked up the phone. "Hello my Andy!" she said in a fake sweet tone.

"I can't believe the girl thinks she's dating me. Ick!" Andy thought.

To Jenna, he said sternly, "Jenna we need to talk."

"What's there to talk about, sugar?" she asked trying to sound as innocent as possible. Inside, though, Jenna was horror stricken and feared that this chat would end any chance of a future between them.

"There's lots to talk about," he said.

"Well, can it wait because I just finished my massage and I'm about to get my nails done and I can't hold a phone while I get my nails done," she said trying to postpone this fateful talk as long as she possibly could.

"Your nails can wait Jen. This can't. There's been rumors going around that we're dating again. What do you have to say to that?"

Jenna didn't know what to say. "Well, sugar, aren't we going out?"

"Of corse not and you know it! Don't try me again or you can forget that I ever stepped into your life!" Andy said, his temper rising.

"But the deal..." Jenna started.

"Forget the deal, were through FOREVER! And on Monday, your going to tell everyone we are not dating. If you don't, I'm going to humiliate you in front of the whole school, understand?" he shouted.

The phone went dead and Jenna was in pieces. She called her chauffeur and told him to pick her up from the salon. She was on the verge of tears. She officially hated men.

Andy on the other hand felt great. He had been so annoyed by Jenna when they we out, he was glad they were finally through. He could finally go after the girl of his dreams. His future was looking lie blue sky's and sunshine from then on. But for that to happen, he would have to clear things up with Katie.


A/N So what do you guys think??

Will Katie forgive him or not??

Oh and also thx to TheRealPrincess for the amazing cover to the right -------------->

And as always PLEASE tell me how you feel about my writing, I really participate it!

Make sure to comment, fan, promote, comment, whatever! and keep being amazing!

Luv all my amazing readers :)

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