Chapter 1: Burnt out Luck

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The week was finally over. A Friday at last! Andy would start to move in on Monday, so Katie had to get some shopping done so she could be pretty in front of him. Him was all Katie had on her mind. "Why does have to be so cute and charming?" Katie thought to herself. Then she giggle giddily. Others on her bus were staring oddly at the cheesy grin on her face but Katie didn't seem to care.when the bus stopped, she got off the bus and ran inside her house.

"Mom, I'm going to the mall!" Katie shouted and turned to leave.

"Hold on sweetie. Is Laura going with you because you know how I feel about. You going to the mall alone."

"Of corse Mom! I'm gonna pic her up on the way there."

Ant "Ok Katie. I love you. Be safe! Have a good time!" Katie's mother said.

An hour late, Katie and Laura were almost finished shopping. Katie had found a cute top and some earrings, but Laura hadn't found anything.

"You found something, Lets just look in one more store and see if I can find anything. Please?" Laura begged Katie.

Katie consented. "Fine. But if my mom starts to call we leave, ok?"


"So where did you want to go, Laura?" Katie asked,

"Uh...I don't know. How 'bout Forever 21? Maybe you can find something in there, too Kate!"

"Great minds think alike." Katie responded.

While there were walking, they joked about what it be like to have a hot boyfriend until Laura let out a gasp.

"What is,Laura? What's wrong?"

At first Laura didn't respond but then she turned to Katie and said grimly, " You don't want to know."

"What don't I want to know?" Katie insisted, now more curious than before.

"If you must know, look over there." Laura pointed towards the food court.

At first Katie didn't know what Laura was talking about until she looked over at the food court. She saw Andy alone. But then, in the corner of her eyes, she saw someone from the pretzel stand blow an air kiss at him. Jenna Hamilton. Andy's old girlfriend. She had everything from looks to popularity and she definitely knew how to sweet talk a boy. Jenna walked over to the table that Andy was at with a cinnamon pretzel in hand. She sat down and kissed him on the cheek. Katie felt sick.

"Are you alright, Katie?" Laura asked.

"Why did you have to show me this? I think they got back together! This ruins my chances of ever having Andy. Just look at them!" Katie said. Tears were now streaming down her face.

She looked at them despising everything.

"At least their not making out," Laura said. "That's the only was you can tell if they got back together. Remember Andy broke up with her." And of corse, Laura's words jinxed her. Andy and Jenna started making out.

Katie felt like she was going to hurl. "That should be me. That should be ME!" she said with rage.

"Uh Katie, lets get you out of here. You look like your gonna barf and people are staring."

"Let's go I don't want to see anymore."

Andy finished kissing Jenna and glanced around. "Jenna, do you think anyone saw

"No one but those two little annoying losers Laura and Katie."

"They saw us?" Andy said furiously.

"Who cares? Katie's such a wimp, anyway! She was crying for no reason. Probably because she couldn't find something big enough to fit her in the plus sizes! Hahaha!"

"Not funny. Do you remember why we broke up the first time? I suggest you stop it cause I'm not giving you a third chance."

"Relax, hot stuff," Jenna said while rubbing his hair. "It's all ok." Then Jenna got a text. "Oh i have to go, honey! It's time for my massage! Tottles!" Jenna kissed Andy on the cheek and walked off.

"What have a gotten myself into?" Andy thought despairingly.


So there's chapter two for y'all hope your enjoying it! Please comment what you think and vote for my book!!

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