just kids in love

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Title: Just Kids In Love

Genre: all the fluff kill me

Warnings: cursing, the derogatory word used like twice, tiny bit of bullying (only for the plot nothing srs) I think that is it tell me if there's anything else pls

Words: ~3,200

Summary: Dan and Phil grow up together and stuff it cute

a/n I think this is my favorite one which is weird because I usually hate these kinds of stories so pls like it :)) <3

Dan, 9; Phil, 10.


Phil ran excitedly over to his friend, hugging him enthusiastically. Dan giggled wildly as Phil toppled him to the ground. "I missed you, Dan."

"I saw you yesterday!" Dan said, still being pinned to the ground by his friend.

"And that's simply too much time away from you."

He continued hugging Dan for a few seconds, still on the floor, before Dan carefully pushed him off of himself. He stood up and pulled Phil with him. "We have to go inside now, I heard Miss yell for us. Meet me after school by the gates, okay?" Phil nodded before they made their way into the school.


After school, Dan waited by the gate for his friend, and he saw him run out of the entrance. Once Phil stopped in front of him and smiled breathlessly, Dan grabbed his hand and they started walking.

"How was your day, Daniel?"

"We reviewed multiplication tables in Maths, it was very boring because I know them already. What about yours?"

"Well, we learned how plants reproduce. A girl next to me said that it was basically plants doing sex, and I don't really know what that means. My grandma told me that it was a weird kiss that married people do, but plants don't get married, or kiss, so I was very confused."

"I don't know what that is either, so its okay, lion."

They got to Phil's house and ran inside, greeting his mother who gave them juice boxes. They went to Phil's room and played Bubble Bauble (i love this game NES any1) until Dan went home.


Dan, 12; Phil, 13


Dan frowned as he heard the word whispered at him for the second time that day. It was two people from the group of mean kids that no one liked to talk to. He didn't know what the word really meant, but he knew it wasn't good if they were calling him the word. He decided he would ask Phil after school was over.


They were on Dan's couch later that day, watching Sailor Moon. Dan still hadn't asked, so he decided now was as good a time as ever. "Phil?"

His friend looked away from the TV, and instead at Dan, who was looking at him with a bit of sadness, but mostly curiosity in his eyes. "What's a 'faggot'?"

Phil frowned heavily. "Who said that?"

"Two boys whispered it at me in the hallway today. I don't know what it means, but it kind of made me sad."

Phil turned so he was sitting Indian style in front of Dan. "It is a very mean word. It's usually directed to a gay person..."

Dan tilted his head. "Who's a gay person?"

Phil blushed lightly, looking at his lap. "A gay person is a boy who likes other boys, or a girl who likes other girls, but girls are usually called lesbian instead of gay."

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