Forget Family

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I woke up the next morning, my head laying back against something warm and soft and arms wrapped around me. I felt Grahams head on top of mine. I smiled, it was so comfortable laying here with him, I didn't dare move. He'd wake soon, anyway.

The sun shined through the trees on us and half of the clearing we camped in. It felt nice, I hoped everyday could be like this.

Slowly, Graham began to stir, his arms letting me go of me and stretching out as he woke. I moved my head upwards to look at him, he smiled at me. "Good morning."

"Morning," I responded, getting up slowly, "How did you sleep last night?"

"Peacefully," he said, getting up as well and stretching some more. "How about you?"

"Best night I've ever slept."


I stretched out my arms as Graham walked over to where he kept his stuff and grabbed the water flask. He stood up  and turned to me with it in his hand.

"We need new water, want to come with me to get some?"

"Yes, of course," I responded and he nodded. I followed behind Graham as he walked out of the clearing and toward a lake. It was large and clear, sparkling in the sun. It was pretty. We walked over to the edge and I sat down, while Graham knelled down.

As he cleaned out the flask, I spoke, "What are we going to do now? Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go? We can go anywhere we want. North, south, east or west."

"You mean you have no plans?"

"I never have any plans. I always just go in the direction I feel like."

"Oh, so I get to pick this time?"

"Yes, what direction your majesty?"

I shook my head with a smile at his 'your majesty' comment. "Well, we came from the south to the north, so lets go west."

"Sounds like a good direction.  By the way, do you think your dad's ever going to stop sending soldiers after you?"

I thought for a moment, staring out into the water. I didn't know how to answer that, I was pretty sure he'd give up sooner or later, but he was also a stubborn dad. "I'm not sure. He might, but I know he's not sending soldiers after me just because I'm his child."

Graham finished filling up the flask and then sat back, looking at me. "What do you mean?"

"Well," I began, preparing to tell Graham everything about who my father really is and who I  am, "I'm not actually his daughter. As a child, my parents were gypsy's and they died from some disease or something, so I was told and King George took me in, because he couldn't have children of his own and he thought it'd be nice to have a daughter. He also adopted a son. A terrible one as well. He was so rude, his name was James. He died in the ogre wars, but that was right after he'd made a deal with King Midas that he hadn't fulfilled yet."

"That is some strange life, but I see where your love for traveling came from."

I nodded, "Yeah, I never thought of that. That's not all either. So, James had a twin brother named David and he was the complete opposite. Super nice and funny, but he wasn't as good at fighting as his twin, so to complete the deal with Midas, David had to pretend he was James and say that he killed the great ogre or whatever it was James was supposed to kill and get the reward, as well as marry Midas's daughter. I ran away before I knew if David married Abigail or not, but since I know all this and I'm not supposed to know a single thing, it will be a long time before King George stops sending men out for me."

Graham let out a heavy breath, "Wow, that is some complicated stuff and that King George doesn't sound like the nicest guy, either."

"He tried to lock me in a prison cell so I wouldn't leave the castle again. Your right, he's not that greatest person in the world."

"Don't worry about it now though. Now, your with me and I'll protect you from any soldiers he may send after you."

Graham stood up and I copied him,  and then brushed the dust off my pants. "Thanks. But just remember I can fight them as well. I'm not completely helpless."

"No, of course not. Your not completely a princess either."

"Definitely not."

"Good," Graham took my hand in his, so we were holding hands, "Lets go pack up the supplies and head....east? Is that what you said?"

I saw the smirk on his face and playfully smacked his arm, "No. It was west."

"Oh yeah. That's right. Now, I remember."

I laughed at him as we walked toward the campsite. He was truly the most amazing person I've ever met.

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