Quiet Night and Early Morning

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After our run-in with the two hunters, Graham and I decided that it would be best if we started moving. We weren't scared, we just figured that since we had inflicted harm upon them and they probably had friends out there, we didn't want to take our chances.

Our path towards the northern village finally started to go upwards, which meant we were going up the hill that I had fallen down before, but we actually going up on a path. Graham even teased me that if I fell again, to make sure that he wasn't in the way.

We walked the entire day and managed to get to the top of the hill, finding a nice clearing right at the top for us to rest for the night. This time I had to build the fire while Graham did his hunting, since he didn't get to do it in the morning. It wasn't easy, but I got the fire going before Graham got back.

However, he was back pretty fast and I was surprised he actually found something in such a short time. He cooked it, which took a bit of time, while we talked. After we finished eating, we sat together in front of the fire. He leaned his back against a large rock and I sat against him, his arm positioned around my shoulders. The wolf lay against Graham's leg, sleeping.

"You did pretty good on that fire," he spoke and I smiled.

"Thanks, I'm sure with more practice I'll get even better."

"In that case, you can make the fire every night now."

I turned my head to look at him, "And let you just sit around, looking pretty? Not a chance."

He chuckled, "I could sit there and give you little suggestions. Practice does make perfect."

"I think it'd be easier to give me 'little suggestions' if you made the fire with me."

"Or you can make these fires," he said pointing to the flaming pit in front of us, "And I'll stick to making other fires."

I looked over at him again, confused, "What other fires?"

"These," he said with a smirk and then gave me a light kiss on the lips. I smirked.

"Hm, I actually like the sound of that. But, as you said, practice does make perfect."

"I'm sure it does," he responded kissing me again, then he got a faraway look in his eyes as he stared into the fire. I turned my head back to look at the fire as well and snuggled back into him. After a few moments he spoke again, "I'm curious. Do you want to learn how to use a bow and arrow?"

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"I hunt with a bow and arrow, and I'm fairly good at it. I was wondering if you wanted to learn too, maybe take a break from walking tomorrow morning and learn that instead."

"That would be amazing and fun. Then I could hunt as well."

"Yes, then I can have you make the fires and do all the hunting," he said with a chuckle.

"I don't think so, huntsman. Your not gonna become lazy on my watch."

"Alright fine, I'll help with the hunting."

"Nope, you'll do all of it. I'll be the one helping."

"Yes your highness," he responded mocking me.

I lightly hit his arm with a laugh, "Anyway, is hard learning how to use a bow and arrow?"

"Not really, I taught myself. I learned the basics in a very short time. I'm sure you'll catch on real quick."

"I hope so. I don't want for you to end up wasting you time."

"Even if you don't learn that quick, anytime I spend with you won't be wasted time."

"Aw, that's so sweet," I said and then turned and gave him a kiss.

"I know. Now let's get some sleep, princess," He responded.

"Alright, sleep sounds good," I said getting up with him, so we could both move into a more comfortable position for sleeping.


The next morning Graham woke me up early and dragged me out into the woods where he'd apparently made a target on a couple of a trees. I was nervous to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow, but I trusted Graham that he knew what he was doing.

Graham handed me the bow, "Best way to learn how to use a weapon is to first learn and become comfortable with your weapon."

"Okay, so what do you want me to do? Inspect it?"

"Preferably yes, it's the best way to learn your weapon."

I took the bow and looked at it, running my fingers over the wood and the string. I committed each dent and scratch to memory, trying to do exactly what Graham told me to do. "I think I've got it."

"Good, now here's an arrow," he said handing me one. "Lay the end of the arrow on the string."

I did as he told me too and loaded the bow, the arrow didn't cooperate, though. It kept slipping out of my fingers and moving off the string as I tried over and over again.

Graham chuckled, "Here, let me show you."

He moved closer to me, so his chest was touching my back and moved his arms so one was on either side of me. He took the arrow from my fingers and guided me to how the bow is supposed to be loaded. I watched as he placed it on the string, the arrow actually staying.

"Thank you," I said and then took the arrow back. I placed it on the string just like he showed me and actually got it this time. I smiled.

"Great, now aim at the center target."

Trying to keep the arrow in the same position, I lifted the bow and pulled my right arm back. My left hand held onto the bow, tightly. I was ready to fire at the center target of the three that Graham had made, but I was nervous.

"You ready to fire?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but I'm a little nervous. It's weird learning how to use an actual weapon."

"You'll do fine. I'm sure you will," he said taking a step back, so I had space to shoot. "Just point the arrow to where you want to shoot and let the bow go. Remember to keep your hand steady, though."

"Alright, I can do this," I whispered to myself, making sure that the arrow was pointed at the center of the target. Then I fired. The arrow sped through the air and hit the target, not in the middle, but it was pretty close. I turned to face Graham, a smile on my face.

"Wow, that was an amazing shot for your first time."

"I thought I'd be horrible," I responded, shaking my head.

Graham walked up to me and took my hands in his, "You can do anything as long as you believe you can. Now, I think we can spend some time hear so you can practice some, then we'll get moving."

"Yes and maybe I can get better."

Graham laughed, "Well, there isn't a lot of room for improvement. You have a good eye."

"Thank you."

A Princess and A Huntsman (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now