A Wolf

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The man continued to stare behind me as I stayed completely frozen. I was curious about what was behind me, but at the same time I didn't want to get attacked.

"Hey boy," he began, "There's no need to worry. She's fine."

What was behind me, moved and walked over to the man. It was a wolf, a beautiful gray and white wolf. He knelled down and petted the wolf. I couldn't help, but smile.

"A friend of yours?"

He looked at me, still running his hand threw the wolf's fur. "Yes, travels with me wherever I go."

"He's beautiful," I said and the wolf stopped panting and looking at the man, instead he looked at me. Staring with one red eye, he slowly left the man's touch and walked up to me. I stayed still, thinking that any sudden movements from me could make the wolf uncomfortable. He sniffed and then nudged my leg. Slowly I raised my hand and he pressed the top of his head to it. I scratched behind his ear. "Is he always this friendly?"

"No, never. Apparently he thinks that your trustworthy," he said standing up.

"I'm glad. I love wolves. It made me so mad when my dad went out to hunt for them one time. I even went and hid all of his hunting equipment."

"You're different," He commented and I looked up at him raising an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"I've only thought there were two types of people. Those who are afraid of wolves and those that feel they are only useful dead. It's nice finding someone else who respects them."

"Thanks, then. I think."

"It was a compliment," He responded with a chuckle. I smiled. "Now, lets find a place to rest." The wolf suddenly left my touch and ran over to a part of the woods, he stared at the both of us not moving. "Looks like he's found something."

"Okay," I got up and followed the man as he walked after the wolf. We walked for a few minutes before we reached a small clearing, away from the mountain and slightly hidden by thick tree's and bushes.

"Good boy," he said and the wolf sat, panting, which made him look like he was smiling.

"So we'll rest here?"

"Well, first it's dinner. So, if you could help me search for dry twigs to start a fire."

"Sure," I told him and went searching for branches. He also walked into the woods searching. Finding branches was really easy, they were everywhere. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed how many trees were collapsed and how the ground was littered with all different sizes of branches. They were different types of plants everywhere too, some had flowers. It was all so magical.

I didn't know how far I'd traveled picking up branches, but suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and turned me around. Another hand grasped my shoulder and pushed me against a tree, the hand on my arm then moved and covered my mouth.

After the shock of the sudden attack I saw that it was the man. He pressed a finger to his lips, his hand still covering my mouth. I was confused, but soon heard the sound of men running and shouting. They passed us in a hurry and I recognized my fathers men probably still out searching for me.

When they were gone, he removed his hand from my mouth, "I'm guessing those were soldiers looking for you?"

"Yes, I'm surprised they didn't see us."

"I know how to hide, they couldn't see us, but I could easily see them," He stepped away from me and looked down at my arms holding the branches. "That should be enough branches, lets get back to the clearing."

"Did you collect any branches?"

"Of course, but I dropped them off at the clearing and ran after you when I heard the men coming. You need to learn to be more aware."

"Sorry, this all new for me."

"Yeah, you've got time to learn."

I followed him back to the clearing and dropped my branches right where he put his, making a pile. He then grabbed some rocks and placed them around the branches. It was a nice fire pit. I watched him work the entire time and I hoped that some day I'd be as good as he is at living in the woods.

"I just realized, I never learned your name," I said and he stopped working for a second.

"It's Graham, yours?"


"That's a long name, mind if I call you Rose to shorten it?"

I froze for a moment, no one had ever suggested a shorter name for me to called by. I'd always been forced to accept respect from people and be called my full name. Now, I was actually just another person, someone who can earn respect instead of just forcing it on someone. "That would be nice."

"Then Rose it is," he said and the branches suddenly rose up as flames. I jumped and then smiled at the beauty of the fire. Traveling to the northern village would be more fun than I thought, especially since I have Graham to travel with and learn from.

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