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I got up to the gate and the guards opened it for me, they knew what I liked to do and let me leave only because I wouldn't leave them alone until they did. My father never got mad at them, anyway, just me.

I ran through and went straight up to my room. Dodging servants and maids that would tell on me if they saw me. Finally I made it to my room and I quickly opened and closed the door. Turning around, to change my cloths, I stopped when I saw the figure standing in front of my window, his back to me.

"Hello, Rosemarie."

I gulped, "Hello, father."

He turned around and stared holes into my head, "You left again," I nodded and he sighed, "What do I have to do to make you stay in the castle? Out there is not meant for you, it never was. You were raised here to be a princess, not someone running around the forest."

"I don't want to be a princess."

This didn't come as any surprise to me dad, he knew this, "Obviously, but you can't change who you are."

"I'm pretty sure I could easily stop being a princess."

"Maybe for a few hours, but your talking about spending days and years outside the castle. You wouldn't last a day."

"Yes I could! Maybe you couldn't, but I know I can."

My fathers hands curled into fists, "You will not leave this castle again and just to make sure, I've had a new room prepared for you. Guards!"

Two of my fathers men came into the room and grabbed my arms. I struggled against them, "What are you doing? Where are you sending me."

"Take her to the prison," he ordered.

"No," I said as the guards dragged me out of my room and towards a stair case that led down to the prison. I didn't help them at all, my legs literally skidded across the ground, but when we started to descend the stairs, I picked myself up and with all my strength, threw myself to one side of the stairs, causing the guard to hit the railing.

With his cry of pain, I twisted free. The other guards reactions were slow and I punched him in the jaw, then I also twisted free of him.

"Sorry," I said as I ran back up the stairs and down a different hallway, away from my room. I decided that it was now or never for me getting away, but I couldn't go out the north exit like I normally do. It's too easy for me to get caught in the courtyard. Instead, I ran toward the back of the castle and into the kitchen where a southern exit is.

Bursting into the kitchen, everyone stopped what they are doing and looked at me confused. I didn't stop to say anything, I just went through the kitchen into the backroom, down a hallway and then left.

My feet met ground a foot below the door and I ran deep into the forest, I had to find a place to hide, just long enough so I could safely get to the village. It was a minute later when I heard footsteps behind me. They were following me and they seemed to be pretty close.

I stopped and quickly looked for somewhere, anywhere I could hide. I saw a bridge not far away with a small stream running under it. I ran to it and slid down the embankment, landing on a stone just above the surface of the water. I balanced on stones until I made it under the bridge and crouched down waiting for whoever was following me to pass by.

It took a moment, but soon I heard men run over the bridge, there were a lot. The entire time they were running over I held my breath, thinking that even the littlest sound would give away where I was.

When I could no longer hear the footsteps of the men, I waited a few more cautious minutes, before peeking over. I saw no one, not even farther into the forest, so I got out of my hiding spot and went back to the side of the river I was on before.

Immediately I began to tread through the woods, trying to find out where I was going, but it was no use. I was completely lost. I only knew the northern woods, not any of the others. Sighing, I looked around me, as far as I could see into the woods. Behind me, I saw a break in the trees, maybe a town or something. Excited that I may have found something, I follow the river to the where the trees seem to stop.

As I get close to it, I notice that there is no visible ground, but I skid to a stop too late and fall down a mountain side. I tumble and roll for who knows how long, before I land on the ground. Groaning in pain I pick myself up, only to find that I've fallen on top of a person. A man.

A Princess and A Huntsman (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now