A Change

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The past days I've spent traveling with Graham, I've gotten to know him very well. Both of us sharing our life stories, making jokes and just spending hours in each others company. At night we'll sleep with maybe two feet of space in between us. We had become incredibly comfortable with each other.

Graham got the fire going, quickly, and then went into a pack and pulled cloth and a bandage. I watched him from the side, the wolf standing next to me.

"Come sit down," Graham said, sitting down on a large rock big enough for two. I walked over and sat next to him, we faced each other and he put some water on the cloth, before putting it up to my forehead. I winced and he gave me a small smile, "Sorry."

"It's fine," I responded as he wiped the wound, carefully. The cloth came away with a big red spot, I must have bleed a lot. Graham put more water on a different part of the cloth and wiped the side of my face next, probably getting all of the blood that had dripped down. He kept wiping going down a little ways each time. After wiping a while he set the cloth down and then put a bandage on my head, rubbing it down to make it firm.

"There, your wounds taken care of."

"Thank you."

Graham smiled and put a piece of my hair, that had fallen to the front, behind my ear. My stomach suddenly had butterfly's in it and I looked down. My cheeks feeling hot.

"Did you enjoy your afternoon?" He asked.

"Yes I did, I looked at almost every building in the town. Did you?"

"Well, I spent most of mine getting supplies, there are certain things I look for. The bar was nice and calm, for once, but this women kept talking to me. She annoyed me a lot."

I remembered the women I saw him talking to earlier and I smirked, "How did she annoy you?"

"She laughed at everything I said, even if it was serious and women like her, are only looking for one thing. I don't like those type of women."

I nodded at his response and bit my lip. I wonder what type of women interested him and if I annoyed him. I mean, we did have to spend several mores day together.

"What are you thinking about?" Graham suddenly questioned, interrupting my thoughts. I just shook my head.


"Your wondering if I'm annoyed by you."

I looked up and looked into his eyes, "How did you know that?"

"You get silent as soon as I said a women annoyed me, I was just putting the pieces together."


Graham took my hand and wrapped his around it, "I lied to you, Rose."

"What do you mean?"

"When I told you that I was traveling to the north village. I actually wasn't."

"Why did you tell me you were?" I still looked at him even as his eyes left mine and looked at the ground.

"Honestly, I don't know exactly. I knew that you didn't have a single idea where you were going and that if I just let you go on your own you'd probably get hurt or even more lost. With most people I wouldn't care, I learned as a kid to only care for myself, but when I saw you something felt different. I wanted to help, I wanted to make sure you were safe."

My mouth went slightly agape and the nervous feeling in my stomach increased, I looked down at the ground again. "Wow. So, I'm guessing I don't annoy you," I responded with a small laugh.

He chuckled, "No, you don't."

I looked up at the same time he did and are eyes connected. The air grew thicker and I had trouble breathing as we both leaned in towards each other. I became still as Graham closed off the distance and gently pressed his lips to mine.

He brought his hand up to the side of my neck as we kissed, I kept my hands still, afraid to ruin anything.  I enjoyed the moment as I felt the passion and the softness of his lips. Are lips molded together perfectly, I had never been happier than in this moment.

When we parted, I smiled at him and he smiled back. We stared for a few minutes, before Graham spoke, "That was amazing."

I nodded, "It felt wonderful."

"I'd never imagined that I'd kiss a princess," he said.

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't," I responded with a laugh.

"Right, I kissed something better. An outlaw," He also laughed.

I believe, that now traveling was going to be getting better with Graham, after this moment.

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