Teams and Memories

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Lauren's/Akiko's POV

I waited for Sachiko to come to class. As I waited, Sakura, Ino, and the rest of Sasuke's fangirls started to argue. I sighed. All of a sudden Sachiko popped in front of my face.

"Why the sigh, Lauren?" Sachiko asked and sat next to me.

"Sasuke's fangirls. Before the massacre, Sasuke and Naruto used to best friends, Sakura and Ino used to be best friends, and I used to be alone while everyone else was happy. Now because of it, Sasuke is emotionless, Naruto is like that, Sakura and Ino hates each other, and everyone is fighting over Sasuke's attention," I said.

"Did you want to be alone?" Sachiko questioned. I shook my head.

"No. I just want everyone else to be happy," I answered as I fiddled with a cube in my hand. It was my father's invention. It was a hard but fun puzzle.

"Another puzzle, Lauren?" Sachiko sighed and tried to help me with the puzzle. We finished as soon as Iruka-sensei walked in.

"Okay class. Today I'm announcing teams," Sensei said.

I tuned him out until I heard him say, "Okay. Your new sensei will come get you after lunch."

"What about Lauren?" Sachiko called out.

"Oh. Who is that?" Iruka asked. I stood up.

"I was a graduate," I replied, softly.

"I'm sorry," I said and ran out of the room.

"LAUREN!!!" I heard Sachiko call out to me.

Sachiko's POV

"Iruka-sensei. Please tell me you're not serious about not remembering her. She had a harsh past. Maybe even worse than Naruto's. She was the one after Hinata. If you remember, please help me look for her," I pleaded.

"Lauren, hm. I think I remember now. She was ranked first in taijustu!" Iruka exclaimed.

"Let's go. I'm putting her in your team," Iruka told me.

"Yukio, Masumi. Can you please help me?" I asked them. Yukio and Masumi nodded.

"Okay. Let's look for Lauren," Iruka said and we all ran off.

A few hours later
Lauren's/Akiko's POV

"Lauren. We finally found you," I heard Iruka-sensei say.

"Lauren, is that you?" a different voice said. I froze.

"Yes. Thats me," I replied, quietly.

"Lauren. Iruka-sensei remembered," Sachiko said and hugged me.

"I'm sorry," I said, stood up, and bowed.

"Why are you apologizing? I should be apologizing to you," Iruka-sensei said.

"I'm sorry for making you waste your energy on me," I said with my head still down.

"I will always look for you. I miss the old you....... Akiko," Sachiko said. I froze.

'Akiko. Where have I heard that name before,' I thought to myself. All of a sudden, a bunch of forgotten memories came back to me. I passed out.

I saw my real parents' death. When I first met Sachiko. When my foster parents found me.

'Wait. This is not my memory,' I thought to myself. It showed that this person hid a bunch of journals, letters, and scrolls in my home. This person even packed a bag, added a note to it, and hid it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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