chapter 26

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So I was  in  math class thinking about what happened with Matt I'm not going to lie I really do like him but  I can't he's a player and he wants is to get  in my pants and that's
not going to happen!! I was still thinking until I got interrupted by my phone vibrated

fuckboy- hey baby girl can't stop thinking about me right;)

Jessica- Im bored get me out of here!!

$am- Im really sorry babe I didn't mean to yell at you I just got really jealous of you and matt and I want you back

fuckboy- In you're dreams Espinosa

jessica- sames babes let skip fuck this class

$am- whatever sam I don't care I'm sorry we can not get back together

fuckboy- whatever babes so I heard you are going to skip with my sister I guess ill be seeing you

Jessica- OMG you read my mind this is why I love you

$am- WTF why is it because you like matt!!??

fuckboy-ugh really I have to see your annoying ass

jessica- Awe babes I love you too ill meet you in the bathroom

$am- NO sam I do not like matt and you want to know why is because I really liked you and you decided to fucking cheat on me!!! I trusted you and you ruined it thats why were not going to get back together. Does that answer you're question.

ugh guys...

mrs.jones can I please you the restrooms its an emergency. yes celine you can don't forget to take the pass when you leave. yes mam I said

celine- where are you at I'm out here waiting??!!

jessica-sorry I'm waiting for my teacher to stop talking and my brother should be on his way.

My bad boy from next door -Matt Espinosa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now