in class

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*Ring ring* ring*

Ughh time to go to class we both said we started laughing Hey im gonna go to the bathroom meet you in class. Kay nat said okay bye I was walking to class and someone stopped me and it was sam he looked nervous oh gosh he looks so.

cute hey sam what's up u-hh heyy he stuttered what's up I asked I have something to ask you and I know we just met but I like you alot and I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend he said OMG YESS I WOULD LOVE TOO  really awesome he said we hugged and then before I was gonna say something he smashed his lips to mine and omg this kiss was amazing we were kissing and we stopped BC of the one minute bell shit were gonna be late what class do u have sam asked  I have English wbu I asked same lets go before where late we made it thank the Lord I said and he started laughing  don't laugh at me sam I said blushing sorry babe you're just funny and cute he said I started blushing even more  

okay class  where gonna have assigned seats okay Natalie and Robert  sam and Celine .... Sorry I'm late mrs  I was in the bathroom I turned around and it was Matt oh shit he's in this class ughh great. Its okay take a seat next to Melissa The teacher said.  The teacher was talking and  zoned her out until sam poked me and I jumped everybody looked at me like everybody so embarrassing I see sam laughing I give him that glare I'm about to kill him and then the teacher asked if everything was okay and i said yes of course..

After that little incident that sam did to me I ignored sam but so much for that he was keep on messing with me  I started laughing. See babe you can't be mad at me he Winked I blushed  and then he kissed me and I freaked out hoping nobody saw that  especially the teacher I yelled/whispered babe why we would of gotten in trouble I said babe who cares I couldn't resisted😉😉 he said haha you're crazy sam I said  I try princess he said and blushed The bell ring and I was walking out with my bf To locker and we got there he stopped me and he pinned me to the  locker and kissed me we were making out until pushed him off babe I need to get my stuff sorry I said sorry babe didnt mean too 😉😉 haha its okay baby I said well hey I have to go to football see you later and we kissed bye babe have fun.

Right where I was about to open my locker someone tapped me and it was.......Matt.

oh hey matt right  and he said yes and looked mad damn he looks hot when he's mad wait what Celine snap out of it  is everything okay Matt??  I asked yes there is actually he said  what then? I asked I saw you kiss that guy sam  he said yeah so what? I said well I didn't  like it  he said so I don't care you're not my .boyfriend he is I yelled wait he's what he yelled.

my boyfrie— I know  he interrupt  he pinned me in the wall you're mine only he whispered in my ear and ahh that made me blush but he didn't saw yass No I'm not matt get off me I try to push him off me but he was stronger than me  great!!!  matt i'm serious  get off me or i you will what get your little boyfriend on me celine he yelled NO!!  matt i don't need my boyfriend to fight battles i can  and like was saying get off me or  I WILL HIT YOU IN THE BALLS YOU DICK i yelled at him he looked shocked and he let go of me finally and he just walked away well that was weird but whatever i walked to my last last class and it was english and then early release yass bitches i walked to english and i see natalie sitting by herself on her phone i decided to scare her cause im a good ass friend i went to her ear and i screamed and she jumped i laughed my ass off everybody was looking over here oops.. lol CELINE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH!! she yelled and i laughed even more sorry nat i had too  anyways girl there is so much i have to tell that happened to me in the past other omg girl spill  so when you went to the bathroom  sam went up to talk to me what's why i was almost late to english  well anyways he asked me out  OMG REALLY WHAT DID YOU SAY nat said well i said no i said trying not to laugh WHAT!! are you crazy he's hot and a football player how could you not say yes to him i bursted out laughing of course i said yes dude haha okay good she said class started okay welcome guys im your history teacher mr.lopez the teacher was going on on about history but i zoned out then my phone buzzed and it was sam

convo with bae lol

sam: babe i miss you already i miss that smile of yours and also your kisses i want to kiss you so bad!!

me: awe babe your sweet i miss your kisses too  but not you;)

sam: really babe thats rude fine then you won't get these kisses no more

me: awhh babyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im kidding i miss you to babe i miss your sexy smile and that colone you wear and your natural blush cheeks 

sam: awh baby meet me in the bathroom!! ;)me: okay babe ill be over there 

sam: okay hurry i need you

um exuse me can i please use the restroom mr lopez yes you can celine take the pass okay.

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