Start from the beginning

The next morning, Maya was ready for her run with Mason and Liam. The blonde quickly wrote a note for her mom and Shawn. As Maya put the note on the fridge the door bell rang.

Maya ran along side Mason and Liam. "It's not just that we were friends with them.They were using us for their cover. I mean, professional killers were using us. How are you not freaking out about that?" Mason asked. "Trust me, I'm freaking out about a lot." Liam lied and Maya could see right through him. Liam started to run ahead of Maya and Mason. "Liam slow down! Liam!" Mason yelled. "I got this." Maya said as she ran after Liam. Maya finally caught up to Liam as a car ran into him. "Liam!" Maya yelled as she ran to him. "Hey Liam. Sorry about missing movie night. Don't worry, I've got something planned. You know originally your girlfriend wasn't invited but the more the merrier." Garrett said as he hit Maya in the back of the head. The blonde fell on Liam's chest.


Liam held the blonde beauty in his arms. She looked so peaceful. Maya began to steer in his arms. The blonde's eyes flew open and they widened when she realized how close she was to Liam. "Put me down." Maya said as she avoided eye contact. Liam nodded and set the blonde down. "Oh my god! Cold water. Why didn't you mention...." Maya trailed off as she took in her surroundings. Her hands reached for the walls of the well. "Ugh where are we? Li what happened? Garrett? He did this? We need to get out." Maya rambled as she began panic. Liam grabbed her shoulders, "We're going to be okay. Someone's going too find us." Maya sighed and nodded. "Okay. How do we get out of here?"

Liam suddenly groaned in pain. "What's wrong?" Maya asked. "Garrett stabbed me. It's not healing." "Okay so your hurt and I am freaking out. Scott!!!" Maya yelled. Her scream simply bounced of the walls of the well. "Okay so screaming isn't going to work." Maya began to pick at the walls. "Maya we need to talk." "About?" Maya asked as she turned to face him.

"Why won't you let me love you?" Maya swallowed the lump in her throat and quickly turned around. She couldn't escape the question. "Maya you can't run this time. You can't keep running. Why won't you let me love you?" Liam asked again. "Not now. First we have to find a way out." "Maya stop running. You know that if we get out of here your going to run. Just answer the question." Maya sighed and forced a smile. The blonde turned to look at Liam. She ignored eye contact and starred at the water. "Love isn't for people like me. I am fine believing that not much is going to happen for me. Otherwise I am full of hope. You hope for things, you get disappointed."  "Is that it?" Liam asked. "No. I fell in love once. Things didn't end well. He chose my best friend and I was heartbroken. He said he loved me but he chose her because he believed she was better for him. I was the night, dark and mysterious and lets not forget broken. She was the day, bright and beautiful and incredibly put together. And he was Mr. Perfect and he always did what was best. I wasn't good enough. Liam I'll never be good enough for anyone."

Liam stepped forward and rested his forehead on hers, like they had many times before. He cupped her cheeks forcing her to look at him. "Your good enough. I know your good enough. I am a werewolf and your my night. The beautiful, mysterious, and peaceful night." Finally Liam pressed his lips against Maya's. The moment was perfect. And the kiss was simply beautiful. There were sparks, butterflies, all of it, it was all there. Maya wrapped her arms around Liam's neck. The blonde pulled away to catch her breath. Liam chuckled, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that. Maya I am falling in love with you." Maya smiled and kissed him again. Who knew being stuck in a well would be a good thing. "Baby beta I am falling in love with you to. But don't think this'll mean I'll be nicer." Maya teased. "I wouldn't count on it. I like it like this, blondie. But I have one more question." Liam said. "Ask away pretty boy." "What was his name? The guy who broke your heart, what was his name?" "Lucas. But he's in the past." Maya promised.

After finally telling Liam how she felt Maya felt comfortable, at peace. "Not that I don't like spending time with you. But your injured and I am hungry, we need to find a way out." Liam nodded but didn't let go of Maya. Liam leaned and tried to kiss Maya. She smiled but pulled away. "Not happening, pretty boy. At least not until we get out of here." Maya unwrapped her arms from Liam's neck. "Come on Maya one more." Liam begged. "Nope. Not until we get out of here." Liam pouted but started to climb the well.

"Liam be careful." "You know you only call me Liam when your worried." Liam yelled as he kept climbing up the well. "Shut up." Suddenly Liam fell back in the water. "I told you to be careful." The blonde said as she helped Liam up. Liam began to climb the well again. "What makes you think you'll make it this time?" Maya asked.

Liam ignored her and continued to climb. "Liam please be careful." Maya begged as she watched. He was a lot higher then the last time. Finally Maya looked at the sky. How long had they been here? It was already dark out. Maya watched as Liam missed a step and she moved out of the way. She closed her eyes not wanting to see him fall. But she never heard the splash. "Your okay, Liam. Your okay" she heard. "Hey!! I am still down here!" Maya yelled. The boys helped Maya up. "What, i don't get a hug?" Maya asked. Scott smirked and pulled the blonde into a hug.  "Now how about a burger? I am starving." Maya said. "We have to get Liam to the animal clinic first. I'll call Stiles, I am sure he can get you something to eat." Maya smiled.


Maya sat patiently outside the animal clinic. Stiles pulled up and came running out with a bag from McDonald's. He spotted Maya pulled her into a hug. "Oh thank god your okay." "Can't breathe!" Maya stuttered. "Sorry" Stiles said. "You brought food. Gimme gimme"

"I didn't know what you like so it's just chicken nuggets and fries." Maya smiled and sat on the hood of the jeep. Maya patted the spot next to her. "Come on, I'll share." Stiles smiled and hopped up on the hood. Maya handed him a fry. "I am glad your okay." Stiles mumbled. Maya smirked, "Yeah, I knew you cared." Stiles laughed at her comment.

"What's with the big smile? Since I've meet you I haven't seen you smile like this." Maya's cheeks heated up, "Is it because of Liam." Stiles asked. "It might be" Maya said turning a darker shade of red. "If that little runt hurts you let me know. I'll be beat him up for you." Stiles said. Maya giggled, "You'll be the first to know." Maya promised.

- love the birthday girl

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