Apologetic Love

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I dont know what I do to piss you off,

All I know is that the love I have for you is infinite like the stars in the night sky.

I love as much as Pooh loves honey..

As much as Trey Songz loves sex.

Babe, you're my everything.

And you'll never know it.

Because you dont realize I mean every word I say.

When I'm mad or sad,

I wait for you to say something to me cause everything you say makes me happy.

I'm sorry for making you mad,

I'm sorry for not being perfect.

But my love for you stretches so far.

And If I could explain it all in words I would

But there arent enough in the world that could fully explain half of what we have.

I love you

I love you

I love you.

You're my everything..

My World..

My Life..

My Heartbeat..

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