if you said no because of john

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"no" you said stepping back from dave. hurt reflected in his crimson orbs as you walked away. he caught up with you and grabbed your hand. "_____ please" "dave no. I can't. you made me realize that I belong with john. he would never hurt me the way you did" with that you walked back to your friends. john saw you and looked confused. you crashed your lips into his and tangled your hands in his hair. you pulled away to breathe and he pressed his forhead against yours. "I'm in love with you" he said smiling. "I'm in love with you too" you said. he kisses your forhead and you blush as you realize everyone is staring at you except karkat and sollux. they are too busy kissing each other to hell and back. you smiled. karkat would get over you rather quickly. he would be okay. john readjusted you to where he was holding you like a small child. dave stormed through the room and left, slamming the door behind him. vriska followed him after giving you a smug look. she can have him. you have everything you need.


seven minutes in faygo (homestuck) [FINISHED!]Where stories live. Discover now