cutting you a break

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after your last encounter, you were terrified of you turn. it eventually came though. you reached in and pulled out a horn. you rolled your eyes and climbed out of john's lap. gamzee was like a stoner brother to you. this was gonna be interesting. he walked in lazily and soon you were alone. "hey sis?" he said after a minute or so. "yeah gam?" you said "I gotta tell ya. I realized somethin I think you could motherfucking help me with." he said " really? what?" " I think I might be flushed for tavbro" he said slowly. you totally had a nepeta moment giggling and flailing around until gamzee calmed you down. "you have to tell him!" "well sis, I thought you might be able to motherfuckin tell him." he said. you nodded and hugged the highblood tight. you stayed that way until feferi opened the door. you sauntered off toward tavros with single minded determination.

seven minutes in faygo (homestuck) [FINISHED!]Where stories live. Discover now