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you and eridan talked while you sat in john's lap. he and eridan actually got along. you looked over at dave and he was still glaring at john so you decided to give him something to stare at. you tangled your hands in john's hair and pulled him to you. the kiss quickly turned french as he held you even closer. as you pulled away, you bit his bottom lip. red covered his cheeks as you did this. dave stood up and left without words. you felt a pang of something in your chest. regret? no. definetly not. nepeta pulled out your necklace and held it high as she smiled. you went into the closet and nepeta quickly said " are you and john human matesprits now?" "ummm I'm not sure" you said honestly. " dave human sure thought so" she said. "what?" you asked. " he told terezi and aradia that he was in love with you. whatever that means... but he almost started crying when you kissed john human" she explained. holy shit. dave strider? in love? haha that's funny. you had been the one in love and he had betrayed you. you burst into tears remembering how hard you had fallen for him. "let me out" you squeaked. karkat opened the door and you ran past john and eridan. you had to find dave.

seven minutes in faygo (homestuck) [FINISHED!]Where stories live. Discover now