um... well then

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your turn soon came and you reached in and pulled out a scarf. you knew it was eridan. you didn't know him very well but he seemed to be an outcast. you started to get up but john pulled you back down and kissed you deeply. you looked up at him confused and he just said "good luck ____" you were scared now as feferi and terezi both gave you pity glances. dave just laughed as he shoved you two in. "I am so sorry!" nepeta squealed through the door. eridan crawled to the corner of the closet. he seemed to mutter to himself. you then heard a sniffle. "what's wrong eridan?" you asked. " wwhy wwould they be so... mean to me? I didn't do anythin'" he sobbed. your heart broke into pieces for the lonely seadweller. you pulled him into a hug. "all I wwant is a friend" he said as you cradled him. "I'll be your friend." you whispered to him. he pulled back and looked at you with wide eyes. "re... really?" he studdered. " yes eriden." you said. he hugged you tight. you rubbed his back soothingly and he laid his head on your lap. you two gossiped about dave a lot and you ended up telling him everything. he really was a great listener. terezi opened the door and looked at you like you had adopted a serial killer. you stood up and hugged him again. "thank you again ____" he said sweetly. he walked with you to john and dave seemed pretty confused and agitated. that's just how you wanted him.

seven minutes in faygo (homestuck) [FINISHED!]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant