Don't Let Me Go - Larry Stylinson Drabble

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Harry played with the paper in his hand as he toed at the carpet, waiting for Louis to come into the studio room. Harry had wrote a song for Louis and he was terrified that Louis would hate it. He let out a small sigh as he ran over the words again.

Now you are standing there right in front of me. I hold on, it's getting harder to breathe.

Louis always took his breath away. Even when he was just standing there all talking to one of the boys. It was like he always knew Harry was looking at him because Louis' eyes would flicker over to Harry and the both of them would smile.

All of the sudden these lights are blinding me, I never noticed how bright they would be.

The paparazzi always found them. No matter where they went. He'd tried to take Louis out multiple times and act like his boyfriend instead of just his friend but the paps always found them and they had to act like friends because of management. Harry never thought that he'd fall in love with somebody like Louis and it hurt that he had to keep it hidden.

I saw in the corner there is a photograph. No doubt in my mind, it's a picture of you. It lies there alone in it's bed of broken glass. This bed was never made for two.

"Harry, I've got something to tell you," Louis said in a sad tone.

"What's wrong, Boo?"

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I-" A sob racked through his body and he flung himself into Harry's open arms.

"You what?" Harry tightened his grip on Louis.

"I slept with Eleanor," the sentence was muffled against his chest but Harry heard it loud and clear.

Harry's grip went slack, "You what."

"Don't make me repeat it, Harry. Please don't-"

Harry released Louis quickly and stared at him in disbelief but the tears running down Louis' face made him believe that his boyfriend had cheated on him.

"You told me she was just a cover-up," Harry said through clenched teeth, trying his hardest to remain calm because he could tell that Louis awful.

"She is, Harry! It didn't mean anything-"

"Then why'd you do it?" Harry's voice raised. "I waited for you all night and I didn't sleep at all because I knew you were out with her. I hated that I couldn't sleep next to you because you were with her. And you fucking slept with her?"

"We were drunk! I-"

"Even drunk, you can tell the difference between a boy and a girl, Louis. And you should definitely tell when someone isn't your boyfriend!"

Harry turned to walk to their room but he felt a small hand grab for him.

"Harry, please don't be mad. I can fix this, I promise," Louis sobbed out.

"Can you, Louis? Can you?" Harry said coldly as he ripped his arm away from Louis' hand.

He heard a loud sob as he slammed the door to their room and he made himself not run back out to him. He laid down in the small twin sized bed, he hated the small bed but it always gave him a reason to snuggle closer to Louis. In his fit of anger, Harry threw a pillow at the wall. There was a quiet thud then the sound of glass shattering. He glanced at where the pillow had landed and there was a photo frame had turned down on the ground next to it. Harry didn't need to get up to know that the picture was of Louis.

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