Chapter 13: Running away

Start from the beginning

Barry’s POV

“Dynasty you seen Kaitlin?!” I shouted running over to my sister, she turned around and looked me up and down “Yeah, she was acting weird. I grabbed her wrist cause she gonna walk away from me and she cut on his wrists and that then she just sort of ran off and I don’t know where she is now” Dynasty said, I stared at her for a second before pulling out my phone and dialling her number “Hi, you’ve reached Kaitlin’s answer phone. I’m not here right now, I’m probably with Barry though but if this is Barry then text me baby. If it’s not Barry then this is embarrassing and leave a message” her answer mail said down the phone, I sighed and hung up, I almost immediately dialled it again and again and again, by the end of it I’d wasted all of my credit on calling her and had called her well over 30 times. I looked at Dynasty and she looked just as worried as I was, we quickly ran down the corridor trying to find Mr Byrne to see if he knew where Kaitlin was.

Kaitlin’s POV

“That were great babe” he said, getting off his bed and pulling up his trousers. I watched him walk over to the bedroom door before turning back to me “Lock up on ya way out” he said, I just nodded and laid there in tears, I heard the front door slam shut and I full on burst out into crying. My tights were still half way down my legs and my skirt was on the floor but at this point I wasn’t bothered on dignity, I’d just lost all of that to him. I suddenly heard my phone vibrating and quickly pulled up my tights then skirt before grabbing my phone from my bag. I had 35 missed calls from Barry and 10 from Dynasty, loads of texts from both of them, Kacey and my dad. I had to get away. I needed to leave. Get away from him and my dad and everyone I cared about, I’d go back to Rochdale, get back into contact with an old friend and stay with them. I quickly wiped away my tear smudged make up before getting up, I pulled out the keys I had to this flat and locked up once I’d walked out, I shoved the keys through the letter box and walked out the building.

Once I got to my house, I smashed my phone up and left it on the table in the dining room then shoved all of my clothes in a bag. I grabbed all the money I could find then left a note that I’m sorry, I’ve been lying to you and it’s better if I just leave. Bye. Kaitlin xx I wrote before walking out the front door, I locked the door and posted my keys through the letterbox again. I got on a bus to the train station and bought a ticket for Rochdale. The train wasn’t for another 2 hours so I sat in the café with a hot chocolate and magazine.

Barry’s POV

“Dynasty you need to explain to me what happened when you saw Kaitlin” Mr Byrne said, Dynasty again explained what had happened with seeing cuts on her wrist and her just running away in tears. “Right get your bags” Mr Byrne said, I grabbed mine and walked with him to the door “Come on Dyn” I said when I noticed she wasn’t coming “I er I’m not coming, you go find her and ring me when you do…Give her my love once you’ve found her…” Dynasty said, I just looked at her in shock “Dyn, she’s ya best mate. She’d want you there when we find ‘er” I said to her but she didn’t listen, just barged past me and out the door. Mr Byrne shook his head then walked out his office, I followed him but we stopped at Mr Clarkson’s office “Can you look after here for a bit? I’m going to find Kaitlin” he said, Mr Clarkson nodded and me and Mr Byrne walked out to the car park.

Once we got back to their house, Mr Byrne let us straight in and he went upstairs “All her things are gone!” Mr Byrne shouted down, I shouted out in anger and punched the wall before walking into the dining room “Er sir” I shouted and he came running down, I showed him the note and smashed up phone. “Train station. I know where she’s going” he said and ran for the door “Where?!” I shouted and ran after him “She’s going to Rochdale” Mr Byrne said and jumped in the driver’s seat, I got in the passenger seat and he drove away, obviously speeding. “Why Rochdale?” I asked, looking at my headmaster “It’s where her old friends are, she won’t think we’ll look there. She’ll of gone to find Finn and Trudi” he said and before I knew it we were at the train station. We both jumped out the car and ran inside, “When’s the next train to Rochdale?!” Mr Byrne snapped at one the helpers, “It’s coming now, be here in a few seconds why?” the man asked, Mr Byrne ignored him and jumped the fence; I looked at the man and did the same following my head teacher. We rushed onto the platform and looked around quickly, the train was coming and we didn’t have much time to find Kaitlin “There” I shouted pointing to where a girl with brown hair was on a bench reading a book, I knew it was her a mile off and we ran over “Kaitlin!” Mr Byrne shouted, she turned around but quickly packed her things away just as the train came in. She was about to step on the train when I grabbed her and pulled her back “No please, don’t leave me” I said and pulled her in close, she didn’t do anything but let me hug her until I heard her crying then I felt her falling and I held on to her and went to the ground with her, holding her in my arms. I rocked her gently as she cried harder into my chest “It’s okay” I whispered to her, kissing the top of her head. I stayed with her on the ground for nearly 10 minutes before the ambulance came, they put her on a stretcher and I went with Mr Byrne to the hospital with her.

I started and finished this chapter yesterday since I had nothing to do while off from school so you're getting it quicker:) I'm not gonna ask for votes this time, instead I'm gonna ask for 5+ comments on this chapter before I post the next one as I orefer to read your views on the chapter. You can still vote for it of course:) But tell me what you thought of this chapter, who you think this mystery "him" is and what you just generally think of the story so far. Thank you


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