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Naruto's P.O.V

It began on a mission with team 7. Now that Sasuke had returned we had all regrouped.

And on this mission I noticed, they noticed that something was wrong.

It was highly likely of me to forget things, but in the middle of a battle I forgot where I was.

And that was the start of it.

After being examined, after all the testing they discovered that I had a rare type of Alzheimer's Disease.

It was a small spread but was not treatable, and in time I would loose every memory and every true thought I ever once had.

"Ne Kakashi Sensei?," I ask as he stands before me.

"Mhh? What is it Naruto?" My eyes blur slightly and I can't help but to take a shallow breath.

"Will you promise me something?" His visible eye widens slightl but he ,hesitantly, nods.

"When I loose everything, will you remind me of my past days."

And then I loose it. I break into full on sobs.

"I don't want to be lost, I want to remember!" I cry.

Kakashi's arms take hold of me and I can feel that he himself is crying by the way we're both heaving.

"I want to keep living." I whisper.

And barely audible he replies;

"Nothing is ever truly lost Naruto, and if you do loose yourself then team 7 will remain by you and collect your shattered peices and return what has been lost to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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