Chapter 14

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I felt my head loll to one side. That was what caused me to open my eyes. I let out a low groan and cracked open my eyes. My body felt immensely stiff. It was dark outside, and a cold sea breeze was brushing against my exposed arms. I heard the buzz of a walkie talkie a little ways away. I tried to move my arms, only to discover they had been bound by duct tape. My casted legs were also wrapped in duct tape to a chair. I struggled against my binds.

Someone groaned behind me. I turned to look, but I saw something below me. It was dark, so dark I almost couldn't see. The moon hid behind dark storm clouds. Snow fell down and coated my hair, and fell into the ocean below. I was in a chair, hovering over the icy ocean. Above me, a chain was connected to a crane. My eyes widened as the moon peaked out from a break in the clouds, illuminating my surroundings.

"AAHHHH!" I screamed bloody murder.

"You're okay?" Park said from behind me. I turned and saw Park's profile. He was turned slightly towards me, trying to look at me. I shook my head.

"Okay? We're about to be dropped into water!" I shivered. My body seemed to hate the cold after that first round of hypothermia. I could feel my teeth starting to chatter.

"I'll get us out of this," he promised. I shook my head frantically. We were going to die. This was it. Suddenly, I heard a laugh coming from somewhere. I turned my head the other way and saw that there was a cargo ship docked at the port. I scanned the cargo ship and saw Jean Woods waving at us.

"W-woods?!" I felt a burst of hope. Park tensed behind me.
"What are you doing up there Simmons? Going for a swim?" He said as he stared at us. I was confused by his humor but grateful that he was here.

"Shut up and get us down Woods! I'm f-freezing!"

"Oh. Sorry Grace. Afraid I can't do that," Jean said as he sucked in air through his teeth. I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I called down to him.

"Grace. It's him. It has been the whole time," Park suddenly said from behind me. He struggled against his restraints. I wasn't connecting the pieces that Park seemed to have connected. "I should've realized. I should've known," he muttered to himself.

"Well Grace. After Midas Hotel ruined the future of The Waterspring Resort and Hotel Chain, it left it's employees laid off. I was one of them. I worked in the biggest one that had been built in London. That conglomeration that was supposed to happen, the one that didn't fall through, that was where I WORKED," Jean shouted at me.

"What are you saying?" I shook my head, starting to feel my body shut down.

"I'm SAYING, that because of you, a company was ruined! So I took it upon myself to get revenge. I transferred to Midas so I could infiltrate my own people, and ruin it from the top. I killed Arthur Ryan! I killed Dhalia Wright! And now... I'm going to kill you," Jean cackled.

"Jean..." I said in surprise. He spit in the water.

"I hope you have fun swimming with the fish," he said with a maniacal laugh. He walked away from us and signaled to the crane director. We suddenly started to drop. I screamed.

"Oh my gosh! It was Jean! Jean! The nicest guy in the whole office! He's trying to murder us. He's GOING to murder us!" I panicked.

"Grace-" Park tried to say.

"This is bad. This is really bad! Park. I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you. It's because I was hurt and angry that you rejected me! I really like you and I haven't had a boyfriend since college and I thought that you were so different from-"

"Grace listen to-"

"...and I was so jealous of Vanessa. I'm sorry that I made your job hard. I'm sorry you're going to die because of me!" I babbled as the crane continued to descend into the water. Park undid the duct tape on my hands. I stared at my freed hands in amazement before turning around to look at him.

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