Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning with rays of sunshine hitting my face. I smacked my mouth, unhappy to be awake after the plane ride. Jet lag hit me hard and I was ready to head back to sleep. I rolled over in bed, not wanting to wake up. I imagined eating French toast and my stomach did jumping jacks. Yum. I felt a warm breeze hit my face. I didn't recall putting the heater on my bed. I opened my eyes to push it away, but my hand came in contact with a body.

I blinked bluriness out of my eyes and stared at another pair of dark eyes. "Park? What are you doing in my bed?" I asked.

"Actually, you're in my bed," he said. I looked at him, then at the floor, which I was on. I craned my neck around and saw the bed resting empty above me.

"Huh? How did I..." I thought back to the night before. I was positive I had fallen asleep on the cozy king sized mattress.

"You followed me down here and refused to get up," he said through half mast eyes. I frowned.

"Ugh," I got up and plopped back onto the bed, but it was too late. I had moved too much, talked for too long. My body was no longer ready to sleep. "I just wanna sleep!" I whined. There was a knock on the door. "Yes?" I sat up as Jasper opened the door. I tensed. We hadn't communicated since the incident, but I could tell he was apologetic. For a moment, he simply stared in silence, his eyes imploring me to understand unspoken words. I responded by averting my gaze to the ceiling.

"Uh, King wanted me to tell you that we all have to meet back here by 8 for dinner. We're all going out.." He said awkwardly. He glanced at Park before swiftly closing the door without another word. I was tempted to be a home body and not move, but I figured Park would want to stretch.

"What do you want to do today?" I mumbled to Park. He shrugged, eyes still closed. Useless. "Do you wanna go out?" I prodded. Another shrug. "Stay in?" Shrug.

"Well fine," I said. I got up to take a hot shower. I grabbed my stuff and popped into the bathroom. I turned on the shower head and stripped down. I popped into the shower and felt the hot water pelt down. It felt so nice as opposed to the frightening cold of outside. When I was done, I put on the clothes that I had brought in and brushed out my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and found that Park was gone.

"Park?" I called out. No answer. I exited my room and walked down the hallway. The house was empty, devoid of life. Every one really had gone out. I walked down the stairs to the living room and scanned the room. "Park?" I called again.

No answer. I sat on the couch, not knowing what to do. He hadn't said he was going anywhere. I sat there for not even more than 30 seconds when Park came in through the door, still in sweatpants. He looked at me. "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head, my stomach rumbled again.

"I'm so hungry!" I finally shouted out. I got up and shuffled to the bar. What kind of ski lodge didn't have a kitchen? Mental note taken, once again.

"We can order from one of the restaurants or go out," he suggested as I gazed at the wine options. I turned to him

"Let's go out. Hurry and get ready. Look nice!" I called after him.


Later in the morning, around 10, we went out for breakfast. We sat at one of the restaurants in the plaza which looked just as fabulous in the day as it did at night. Our table had a spectacular view of the ski slopes and I could see many people already out there shredding snow, as the young people called it.

When the waitress came over, I watched as she flirted with Park. "Well, the special is to die for. Blueberry pancakes. They're absolutely huge, we could share them and probably still not finish," she gushed to him with a huge smile on her dimpled face.

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