Victoria, Victoria.


He hired the former dance team captain and Class Vice President for five years straight and wound up to be his secretary. Ironic, she berated anyone and everyone who even thought to strike up a conversation with him back in high-school .

This is all too coincidental.

"Kaine you can't fire me!"

Kaine continued to walk while I was having trouble with this damn badge. The bitch had the audacity to collide her dirty, crusty, musty, did I say dirty, ass shoulder with my own.

"He's gonna fuck you over too, Slut."

She didn't recognize me.

I smirked, "I didn't have to court my boss to get this job."

I walked away and quickly to, so that I could catch up with Kaine. He waited on me, surprisingly.

"You didn't have to respond to her Leigh."

"What do you suppose I should've done Mr.Cole?"

The bitch did so much to make—my life miserable.

Now I don't feel as bad, about stealing someone's job.

She needed to pay.

"Ignore it. You have enough self control. Let's go, get your laptop and tape recorder, my coffee, and pens for everyone. You have to go and greet everyone and lastly,get breakfast."

"For how many?" I prayed it wasn't a lot,

"Twelve people but get fourteen for you and I."


"Can I get two cappuccinos, five iced white mochas one with no cold foam cream, 2 americanos, and 4 Traditional lattes , one with extra caramel, and a straight black—all grande."

"You need to lay off the coffee lady, 103.89."

The barista looked at me like I was crazy. Luckily, I had a cart with me that Kaine graciously found for me.

"I'll be back. Can you watch that cart me?"


As soon as I came back from the restroom the coffees were done and she'd called my order.

"Ma'am where's my cart."
She shrugged,

"Who the hell is suppose to carry all of this coffee?"

"You. You should've been more careful."

I walked down the busy street carrying loads of coffee—looking crazy.

I almost got trampled by a huge ass wall—person.

He was dressed in an UPS uniform and he sported the brown suit well.

"I'm so sorry. Do you need help?"

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