December 19th-Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

He leans against me, and I let him go. Or try to, at least, I end up pretty much falling off of him.

"Shit!" I swear just as he grabs me and keeps from falling to the ground.

"Woah there, mate." He pants.

I grin up at him, slightly forced-sure, but it's a grin nonetheless.

"C'mon, let's get cleaned up," he said as he dragged me over to the bed.

He pulled tissues out of the box on his night stand and slowly wiped off the sweat from himself and did the same to me.

"Do you want to sleep or me to drop you off home?" He asked, throwing away the tissues.

"Sleep," I say. "Unless you'd like to drop me off." I fall back against the bed.

"Sleep it is," he grins.

I crawl under the duvet, feeling exposed in the cold air of the room.

He gets under it as well, laying beside me and drapes his arm over my shoulders.

I snuggle up to his side, trying not to gag at the unfamiliar scent of cologne.

He falls asleep first, his breaths becoming low and even, and I fall asleep to the rhythmic sound of it.

I wake up a few hours later from a nightmare, one that scared me more than others I've had.

It had to do with Phil, just like all the others, but this one was more emotionally scarring than the normal Phil crying because of me, not speaking to me as I plead for him to do so, not that it was emotionally scarring anyways, those are just really sad. No, but this one was emotionally scarring.

Phil, leaving a letter on my bed when I arrived home from my one-night stand.

It was a suicide note.

Phil was found dead on the bathroom floor...

I shake my head, sitting up and jumping as I feel something stir beside me.

"Holy shit," I say under my breath, sighing after I figure out who it is. Dave, he said his name was.

I search for my clothes which are strewn around the room, mixed with his, and get dressed

I pull my shoes on and grab my coat.

I walk out of his home, pulling my coat on, making sure I have my wallet, phone and keys.

After checking my phone, I find that I'm about a mile away from home.

My home.

Groaning, I call the taxi company and have it take me to our flat.

I freeze in my spot in the back of a taxi cab.

Our flat. Our, meaning mine and Phil.


I shake my head again, paying the driver however much he asked for, not really caring much, and exiting the cab.

I look up at the building, sighing deeply.

I slowly walk up the stairs, dreading the moment that will come.

When I reach our door, I stand there for a few seconds, staring at the wreath Phil put up.

He said it looked stupid and as I look at it I agree that it does.

It looks like a normal wreath but instead of being green it's white.

I don't remember how we got it but we found it and it was the only one.

Phil begged me to get another one but I had refused, we had a perfectly good one right here.

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