"I thought you weren't coming till noon," I question.

"We were, but we couldn't wait. So, where do we go?"

"I'll come get you." I reply.

"Okay, sweetie, see you soon," my mother hangs up.

I slide my phone over to Harper. "My parents came early. Put your number in," I stand up from my seat and head towards the door. Before leaving, I inform the White's that my parents were here.

As I enter into the lodge, the sound of my mother's voice calls me.


"Mom! Dad!" I run towards my parents with my arms open. I envelop them both in a hug. If you were a bystander, you'd think that it'd been months since we've seen each other.

"Oh, darling, we've missed you," my mom brushes her hand through my wet hair.

"I've missed you, too." I hug them shortly once more. "Come on, the White's want to meet you," I grab my mom's hand and drag her towards the house.

I walk into the house with my parents behind me. All the White's are in the living room when I return.

"Mom, Dad, this is Mrs. and Mr. White, my lovely hosts." The parents shake hands.

"Thank you, guys, for taking care of my baby girl," my pulls me to her side.

"Oh, it was our pleasure. Your daughter is too sweet," Mrs. White compliments.

I pull away from my mom and walk over to Harper. He hands me my phone with a sad expression on his face.

"Will I get to see you before you leave the resort?" He questions.

"Of course," I reply. I pull him into a hug thanking him for his kindness.

"Ready, Blakley," my father asks catching my attention.

"Almost," I hug Harper once more before pulling my coat on and slinging my bag over my shoulder. I quickly hug Mrs. White before I join my parents by the door.

I wave one last time before exiting the house. We make the fifteen minute walk back to our cabin where I'm greeted by my brothers.

"Blake," Sam pulls me into a hug. Xavier mirrors Sam's actions after he had released me.

"Chill, guys," I tease. "I was only gone for two days."

"Yeah, but I know you missed me," Sam teases. I chuckle shoving him aside.

"I'm going to change," I inform my family who had been gathered around me. I know I was gone for two days, but they're acting like I was gone for a lifetime.

Once I reach the snowflake room, I sift through my duffle and pull out a tee shirt and fresh jeans. I had been wearing the same pair of jeans for the past two days. Gross. There's flour stained on them as well as icing and who knows what else.

I join my family after I change and we go on with our day. We end up outside playing in the snow. While we're building snowmen, I form a perfect little snowball and chuck it at Sam.

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