four: Christmas Cookies

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four: Christmas Cookies

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The cold air nips at my nose as I wake from my peaceful sleep. My arms reach over my head stretching my muscles. As I open my eyes, I realize I'm not under the snowflake comforter like the night before. Yesterday's events flood my mind as I start to fully wake up.

I push myself off the bed and walk to the bathroom adjacent to the bed. I look at myself in the mirror. Though I slept well last night, my eyes are slightly puffy. My hair sticks out of my ponytail in a hundred directions. And the pajamas Mrs. White let me borrow are wrinkled. Mrs. White had said they were Harper's sisters, but there's no sign of another female living in this house. Maybe she's moved out?

Turning the shower on to hot water, I grab my jeans from yesterday and a sweater Mrs. White gave me to wear. The steam from the hot water fogs the mirror and heats up the tiny room.

I walk out of the bathroom and straight to the window. To my dismay, the snowfall hasn't slowed a bit. Looks like you're going to be here even longer than you thought, Blakley.

After my long, hot shower, I quietly open my door and listen for any sign of life. Downstairs I can hear the sound of Christmas music being played as the smell of blueberry muffins fills the atmosphere. Mm.

I slip out of the room and down the stairs to find Mrs. White sitting at a small breakfast table drinking coffee and reading a magazine. I walk towards her hoping she notices me so I can avoid the awkwardness of getting her attention. Luckily for me, Mrs. White looks up from her magazine sending me a warm smile.

"Good morning," she greets extending a hand offering me a seat.

"Morning," I smile back accepting the seat.

"How'd you sleep last night?" She asks closing her magazine and focusing on me.

"I slept perfectly, Mrs. White. Thank you for being so kind and letting me in your home. I could have stayed and slept on the couches in the lodge like everybody else," I reply.

"Nonsense," she waves her hand to dismiss my comment. "You are more than welcome to stay here, and, please, you can call me Kyla."

The alarm for the oven beeps startling the both of us. "Muffins are ready," Mrs. White stands up and retrieves the delicious food from the oven.

My stomach growls in response. I didn't realize how hungry I was until she pulled the food out of the oven. As Mrs. White places the tray of muffins on the counter, Harper comes running down the stairs.

"What smells so good," the boy enters the kitchen with wet hair. He has on a black tee shirt and jeans for the day.

"Blueberry muffins," I reply standing up and walking over to the counter. Harper follows me and quickly reaches for a muffin.

He pulls his hand back waving it around. I stifle a laugh as he adds,
"Careful. They're hot."

"Harper Kevin White, did you not see me just pull those out of the oven," Mrs. White scolds the boy. "Be careful next time, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," he replies with his head down. He looks like a puppy who just got in trouble. I place my hand over my mouth to hold back the laughter. I feel as if this is an inappropriate time to laugh.

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