three: trapped

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three: trapped

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"So, Harper, what is there to do around here?" I ask as I place my bag and coat on the floor once more. How many times will I do this? Who knows.

"Well, there's all the activities the lodge provides like competitions, crafts, movies, and other things like that." He lists off activities adding a finger for every festivity. "Or, there's a whole other section of the lodge that only certain people are allowed to go."

"Really?" My eyes widen slightly. A place at this resort I've never been too, well, besides the slopes but that's beside the point. I thought I had been basically everywhere.

"Oh yeah," he nods. "There's a lot about this place that most don't know about. The attic being my favorite."

"Why's the attic your favorite part of the resort?" I tilt my head ever so slightly in curiosity. Of all places at a wonderful resort, the attic is his favorite?

"Yeah," he stands up holding out his hand. "I'll show you why."

I look at the boy I just met skeptically. Should I trust this boy I just met? I mean, he wants to take me to the attic. He's probably luring me to the attic to murder me.

He must've noticed my skepticism as he added, "Don't worry. I'm not going to murder you, Blakley." He must be able to read minds. Can you, Harper?

Sighing, I grab my belongings with one hand and the with the other I grab Harper's hand pulling myself up from the chair.

"Fine, but I know karate," I lie. Maybe I should have taken those classes my parents offered when I was younger.

"I don't even know you for ten minutes and I already know you're a terrible liar," he replies pulling me towards the exit.

We walk into the main lobby and towards a door located near the front desk. You know, I've never noticed that door before. On the other side of the door is a long hallway with several doors.

We reach the end of the hallway where an old looking door resides. Harper lets go of my hand to unlock the door. Before he opens the door, he turns to me.

"The stairs may seem unsteady and like they may fall beneath your feet, but they are perfectly safe, I promise," he smiles at me. His oh-so-beautiful smile.

"That's reassuring," I smile back at him.

He chuckles before opening the door revealing very old looking stairs. I hesitate to follow Harper but do so. Fortunately for me, there aren't that many stairs, and I survived. For now.

When we reach the top of the stairs, we are met with yet another door, but this time it isn't locked. Harper opens the door but steps aside allowing me to enter first.

"Thank you, kind sir," I joke.

"You're welcome, m'lady," he bows in return causing me to laugh slightly.

Stepping inside I am met with a scene I was not expecting. Directly in front of me sits a window overlooking the resort, so says Harper considering the blizzard that seems to be taking place. I can make out a few trees and a part of the mountains with how much snow is falling.

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