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Jason stood on one of the many rooftops of Gotham waiting for Talia's helicopter. It landed blowing dirt everywhere as Jason watched the woman exit the helicopter with a small black box. She walked towards him, her hips moving in their usual motion and stopped about a foot away.

"Do you have it?" Jason asked.

She nodded and held out the box, "It should work within seconds. He'll be in pain while it is taking effect. Convulsions and such, but he should be fine."

He took the small box and held it to his side. She asked, "What made you want to change him back?"

Jason shook his head, "I don't...but I'm trying to do what's best for him. And if what's best for him means losing him...then so be it."

She smiled a little, "that is very noble of you, Jason."

He shrugged, "Yeah well, what can I say?"

She tilted her head, "Jason, you don't have to hide your sorrow. I can tell you don't want to give up your child. But, it shows how much you truly care for him."

Shaking his head Jason mumbled, "I do care about him. And I don't think it's fair. But...I've learned a lot of things in life aren't actually fair. It's just how life works."

They stood in silence before Jason said, "I guess you should go before Ra's noticed you're gone."

She nodded and turned to leave. Jason closed his eyes and suddenly grabbed her arm stopping her. She turned around and he said, "Thanks...by the way."

She smiled. It was small, but it was a smile. "You are welcome, Jason."

With that she turned and left.

Jason sighed and held the box. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his communicator. After a few moments of silence someone finally answered and Jason said, "Hey old man, I've got something here for you."


"He found a cure?" Dick asked disbelievingly as he set Tim on the metal table.

The boy was changed into clothing that was much too large for him and he didn't understand why exactly, but he knew that something important was about to happen.

Bruce nodded, "Apparently Talia Al Ghul did and she gave it to him."

"How do we know this isn't going to hurt him?" Dick growled.

Shaking his head Bruce replied, "Do you really think after all of this he's going to just kill Tim?"

Dick pondered on his answer before sighing, "No...I don't."

Suddenly all three looked at the mouth of the cave when a motor bike road in. Dick and Bruce knew it was Jason, but Tim just stared confused. But, as the man approached them, Tim's face lit up, even brighten then when Dick given him the teddy bear back.

Quickly the child jumped from his place on the metal table and ran towards Jason. He was having to hold up the clothing, but once he got to the man he wrapped his arm around Jason's neck and leaped into the waiting arms.

"Jason!" Tim squealed excitedly.

"Hey buddy," Jason whispered closing his eyes and enjoying Tim's embrace. He stood and Tim wrapped his legs around Jason like a monkey.

Tim pulled his head back and looked at Jason with a bright smile, "I missed you!"

Jason swallowed the small lump in his throat and whispered, "I missed you too."

The Curious Case of Tim DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now