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Jason sat holding a sleeping Tim.

They had been sitting in the mall for a few hours having to buy all new clothes since theirs had to be left on the other island.

Kory didn't mind though, since she liked to shop. But, Tim had been so exhausted since he hadn't gotten to sleep at all the night before.

Right now Jason sat on a bench in front of the dressing rooms. He had Tim leaning against his chest, the small child being in his lap. The boy had fallen asleep as soon as they had sat down. Jason was waiting for Roy to change out of his Arsenal outfit, while Kory had once again gone off to find Tim some clothes.

Jason absentmindedly ran a hand through Tim's hair. He was trying to figure out a way off the island. He had recently realized they had left their passports at the hotel. Which really pissed him off to no end.

Tim shifted slightly in his sleep and Jason looked down at him. The boy had bags under his eyes from being so exhausted. He had been slightly afraid the boy was to tired...

He looked up when Roy walked out. He was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a green t-shirt. He smirked, "The kid pass out?"

Jason nodded, "Out like a light."

Roy carried his Arsenal outfit out of the dressing room and asked, "Where's Kory?"

Right before Jason answered Kory walked back up to them, like always, carrying at least three giant bags of clothes. She held out a blanket to Jason and ordered, "Wrap him in this."

Jason raised an eyebrow, "He has on a hoodie."

"It's cold outside," Kory said simply.

Jason didn't feel like arguing so he took the blanket and wrapped it loosely around the seven year old. Tim's face scrunched in his sleep, but he did not wake.

"Ok, let's go find a hotel, I'm exhausted," Roy said.

Jason nodded and stood, cradling Tim against his chest. The boy must have been really tired...

This worried him.


Jason was asleep in the hotel bed. They had finally found a place that wasn't booked.

He was resting peacefully when a someone poked him in the ribs and whispered, "Jason?"

Jason's eyes snapped open and his eyes focus on the small shadow in the dark room. He sat up on one elbow and asked, "Tim? What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good," Tim said quietly.

Jason sat up on the edge of the bed. Quickly he put his hand on Tim's forehead and cheeks. He was burning up...

"What doesn't feel good?" Jason asked turning on the light. Tim's face was pale and he was sweating.

"My stomach," Tim mumbled holding it. Jason's eyes widened when he saw the way Tim's face contorted.

Quickly he picked the boy up and made his way to the bathroom. He set the boy in front of the toilet and Tim started to empty the contents of his stomach. Jason grimaced and rubbed the child's back. Once Tim finished he leaned back away from the toilet and took a shaky breath. Jason saw how the boy's bangs were plastered to his forehead with sweat.

Suddenly Jason jumped when Roy's voice asked, "Is he sick?"

Jason nodded, "I need something to take his temperature with."

Roy replied, "Well luckily while Kory was going shop crazy she bought another med kit. I'll go get it."

He left the bathroom and Jason kneeled next to Tim. He sat on his bottom and pulled the child to him. "Is it just your stomach?" Jason asked as he tried to comfort the boy.

Tim shook his head, "my body hurts and my head."

Jason nodded and felt his worry grow. What if this had something to do with his deaging?

Roy returned and he handed the thermometer to Jason. Silently Jason placed it under Tim's tongue until it beeped. He removed it and looked at it. It read 103 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Oh God, he's burning up," Jason mumbled. Immediately he handed the thermometer back to Roy and stood bringing Tim with him. He carried the boy back to his room and laid the child on the bed.

He dampened a rag and placed it on the boy's head. Roy brought him a few fever pills and a glass of water for Tim. Along with a bucket in case the child's stomach turned inside out again.

Tim mumbled sleepily, "Jay...I don't feel good."

Jason whispered, "I know Tim...you're going to be fine though. I promise."

He kissed Tim forehead and laid down next to him. Everything would be ok...

Jason laid next to the sick Tim on the bed. He ran his hand through Tim's damp hair that was soaked with sweat. The boy was terribly pale and the skin under his eyes were a deep purple color. It had been two days and Tim's condition showed no signs of improving. His fever had risen to 104.3 degrees.

Way too high...

The three adults had been worried and Jason the most out of the three. He barely left Tim's side and when he did it was for a brief amount of time. He couldn't take Tim to a doctor of course. He had no records for the child and Jason knew the doctors couldn't help. This had something to do with the deaging.

Jason looked up when the bedroom door opened. Roy walked in with a cup of water and a plate with a sandwich on it.

"Thought I'd bring you something," Roy mumbled entering the room. He set the food on the bedside table and grimaced when he looked down at Tim.

He asked, "Has he thrown up anymore?"

Jason shook his head, "He doesn't have anything else to throw up..."

Roy nodded and after a few moments of silence he left the room, closing the door behind himself.

Jason sat up on the bed and grabbed the glass of water. Gently he took Tim into his lap. The child whimpered and Jason whispered, "Come on Tim, wake up."

Tim's eyes opened slowly. He was clearly having trouble focusing on Jason.

"Here, you need to drink some water," Jason said quietly pressing the glass to Tim's lips. He poured it slowly into Tim's mouth so that the boy wouldn't choke. Soon, Tim refused to drink anymore.

He set the glass on the table and laid Tim back onto the pillow. Tim croaked, "Jason, please make it go away."

With that the boy passed out again. Jason stood from the bed grabbing his communicator. He would call the last person her ever thought he would for help.

Talia Al Ghul.

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